What are the inventions in life

What are the inventions in life

Many, many inventions that use the functions of plants and animals
For example, Luban invented the saw
Mosquito bombers, etc

Why should we strengthen credit education and credit culture construction

For a country and a society, "honesty" can be said to be the foundation of a country. The main body of the country is the people, and the sovereignty of the country belongs to the people. China has a clear motto since ancient times that "the people are the foundation of the country, the foundation is solid and the state is peaceful" and "those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world.", These words are still wise sayings. But what does a country's leader rely on to unite the people? It depends on wise policies and spiritual beliefs. "Honesty" is the humanistic spirit and moral belief of winning trust from the people and uniting the people
For a social unit (such as an enterprise) and a social enterprise (such as an industry or a profession), "honesty" can be said to be the foundation of a career. As a universally applicable code of ethics and code of conduct, "honesty" is a moral lever to establish a benign interactive relationship of mutual trust and mutual benefit among industries, units and people, A unit or enterprise that is not honest and trustworthy will have a long-term foothold in the modern society ruled by law. A social cause can only develop smoothly by relying on honesty
For every member of the society, "honesty" is the foundation of life and the treasure of dealing with the world. People who have lived in the world for decades must constantly learn to acquire and enhance knowledge. Knowledge is not only a tool for individuals to make a living, but also a tool for individuals to serve the society. However, to truly be a person who contributes to the society, it is not enough to rely on "knowledge" tools alone, and it must be guided by correct values, Otherwise, knowledge may also become a tool to breed evil. "Honesty" spirit is an important moral criterion to cultivate people's noble moral sentiment and guide people to correctly handle all kinds of relationships. If an individual stands on honesty, he will be impartial and impartial, pay attention to credit, abide by the law, accept an appointment, win trust from others, and properly handle the relationship between people and society
We can say that the principle and spirit of "honesty" is the moral cornerstone of promoting the healthy development of the socialist market economy. It not only plays an important role in promoting social stability and prosperity, guiding social customs and curing social mental diseases, but also strengthens the personal moral cultivation of social members and improves the civilization quality of the whole nation, It plays an important role in cultivating a generation of citizens with knowledge, action, morality and law-abiding. It is the foundation of a country and a career, and also the spiritual magic weapon for individuals to settle down and live

Why should we be honest and trustworthy

Honesty is one of the basic principles of life. Of course, the answer is yes. Two points are made: 1. Honesty is to respect objectivity and be frank with others. One is to be honest, not to be false, not to be false. But in some specific cases, honest expression should pay attention to strategy, to choose the appropriate time, place and content range. For example, to strangers

What is honesty? What are the examples of honesty in history? Why should we be honest?

Honesty is to do what you say, or a spirit of contract. Life is between heaven and earth, and faith is the foundation of life. People who have no faith will be shamed, and the country will be in chaos if they have no faith. Since ancient times, all dynasties have taken faith as the foundation of doing things. There are too many famous examples of honesty in history. Just talk about the origin of one promise and one thousand gold. At the end of Qin Dynasty, there was a proverb that "one hundred taels of gold is better than one Jibu and one Nuo"

Why should we set up the concept of being honest and trustworthy, and being ashamed to forget what is right at the sight of profit?

Because this is the bottom line of life, but also to improve the quality of effective publicity

Knowledge points of building a socialist cultural power

It includes the direction of China's advanced culture, the path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics, the fundamental task and main content of socialist spiritual civilization construction, as well as cultural consciousness and cultural confidence

Using the knowledge of socialist market economy to analyze the role of market and government in promoting cultural development?

The market can timely, accurately and flexibly reflect the changes of supply and demand relationship through price fluctuation, transmit supply and demand information, realize resource allocation, promote cultural exchange and promote cultural development in exchange
The government has the function of macro-control. The state can adjust and control the cultural development by means of economic, legal and administrative means, so as to promote the development of culture

Use the knowledge of cultural life to explain the significance of building socialist core value system

The construction of the socialist core value system is a major theoretical innovation of the party's ideological and moral construction, and also a major task of the party's ideological and moral construction under the new situation. Accurately grasping the scientific connotation and spiritual essence of the socialist core value system is the premise of the construction of the socialist core value system, First, the scientific connotation of the socialist core value system. The socialist core value system is a value identification system based on the socialist economic foundation. It involves all aspects of social life, such as economy, politics, culture and ideology, It embodies the essence of socialist ideology, is the guiding principle of socialist ideological and moral construction, is the spiritual force to encourage the whole nation to make progress and the spiritual link to maintain the unity and struggle of the whole nation, We should fully understand the important position and role of the socialist core value system in the ideological and moral construction of college students, and firmly grasp the correct direction of the construction of harmonious culture. (1) the soul is the guiding ideology of Marxism, It refers to the value recognition of Marxism, which is the theoretical basis for understanding and transforming the world. Fundamentally speaking, it refers to the value recognition of the law of human social development. Marxism is a rigorous and complete scientific ideological system, and a science for understanding and applying the law of human social development, It is a sharp ideological weapon for the proletariat and the people all over the world to strive for their own liberation. We must firmly adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, persist in guiding practice with the developing Marxism, and firmly grasp the guiding power, initiative and discourse power in the ideological field, We should fully tap and encourage the positive ideological spirit of college students, better use the socialist core value system to lead the social trend of thought, and maximize the formation of ideological consensus and cohesion, We should make concerted efforts to build socialism with Chinese characteristics. (2) the theme is the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics refers to the value recognition of the bright future development prospects pursued by the country and the nation. Adhering to the guiding ideology of Marxism and understanding and grasping the law of human social development can only be combined with the common ideal of the Chinese nation at this stage, The ideal is the banner of a political party governing the country and the guide of a nation's prosperity and strength. The ideal embodies people's yearning and pursuit for a better life and is the spiritual driving force for a country and a nation to forge ahead bravely. To establish the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics is to strengthen the leadership of the Communist Party of China and take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The common socialist ideal closely links the party's goals in the primary stage, the development of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation and personal happiness, and organically combines the common aspirations of college students. After the test of practice, it has a wide range of social consensus, and has a convincing inevitability, universality and inclusiveness, It has strong appeal, affinity and cohesion. (3) the essence is the national spirit and the spirit of the times. The national spirit refers to the sum of the mode of thinking, value orientation, ideological character and moral norms that a nation has formed in the long-term common social practice and is recognized and accepted by most members, It is an inexhaustible source of vitality, cohesion and creativity of a nation. The spirit of the times is a lofty spirit formed under the new historical conditions. It is based on the long-term Chinese national spirit and conforms to the call of the development of the times, It has adapted to the practical requirements of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese nation has formed the national spirit with patriotism as the core in its 5000 years of historical development. It is the most essential and concentrated embodiment of national culture and has been deeply integrated into our national consciousness, national character and national temperament, The spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core is a great achievement of the combination of the theoretical character of Marxism keeping pace with the times, the enterprising ideological character of the Chinese nation and the practice of reform, opening up and modernization. It has been deeply integrated into all aspects of China's economic, political, cultural and social construction, (4) it is based on the socialist concept of honor or disgrace. Honor or disgrace not only refers to the psychological experience of self-esteem or self shame produced in people's self-evaluation, The concept of honor and disgrace is the sum of the concept of honor and disgrace gradually formed in the activities of people's self-evaluation and social evaluation according to certain ideological and moral standards. It is the rational sublimation of individual and scattered concept of honor and disgrace, The socialist concept of honor and disgrace occupies an important position, which refers to the value identification of citizens' Ideological and behavioral choice criteria. The socialist concept of honor and disgrace, with "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" as the main content, runs through patriotism, collectivism and socialist thought, and embodies the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values and morality, It reflects the fundamental requirements of the spirit of the Chinese nation and the spirit of the times. It is a high generalization of the basic ideological and moral norms, laws and regulations that the socialist qualified citizens should abide by and the healthy and civilized way of life that they should develop. It marks that our party's generalization of the socialist ideological and moral norms has reached a new height that embodies the characteristics of the times, grasps the regularity and is full of innovation

From the perspective of cultural life, this paper analyzes the significance of building a socialist cultural power

Contribute to the realization of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way 2: contribute to the overall department of the socialist society with Chinese characteristics 3: contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 4: contribute to the development of culture and education, provide strong spiritual power and intellectual support for economic construction 5: provide a strong guarantee for economic power, ensure the development and construction of economic power 1, Culture can be transformed into material power in the process of people's understanding and transformation of the world, which has a profound impact on social discovery. 2. Culture is the reflection of economy and politics, and can also react on economy and politics. Building a socialist cultural power provides strong intellectual support and spiritual guarantee for economic discovery, To realize our goal of modernization in an all-round way. 3. Culture has increasingly become an important source of national cohesion and creativity, and an important factor in the competition of comprehensive national strength. Building a socialist cultural power can enhance China's competitiveness and promote economic development