The beauty of life lies in the creation of beautiful memories?

The beauty of life lies in the creation of beautiful memories?

It suggests that two people do a meaningful thing together and leave a good memory for the future. Memories can't be created. It means to experience together

Creation means life

Now there is a video on the Internet. Life is not evolved, but designed. That is to say, people are designed by higher intelligent life. Design creation creation creation theism; atheism thinks that life is evolved from lower level to higher level. Then life forms different outlook on life according to these two different ideas

Xiehouyu creates a special style in life practice

Xiehouyu is a special language form created by the Chinese people in their daily life. It is short, funny and vivid. It consists of two parts: the first part plays the role of "Introduction", like riddle, and the second part plays the role of "back lining", like riddle, which is natural and appropriate, You can understand and guess its original meaning

】After the water freezes, the volume becomes bigger or smaller? The design experiment proves
Water will freeze when it is cold in winter. Please complete the following questions according to your own observation: does water become larger or smaller when it freezes?
1. Guess:
2. Design experiment

When it gets bigger, fill the plastic bottle with water and freeze it in the refrigerator. The plastic bottle will expand,
Make sure the lid is closed

Please design experiments to prove that the kinetic energy is related to the velocity of the object

In the crash experiment, the equal mass vehicle collided with the same Bush at different speeds, and the depth of entry was compared

Please design an experiment to prove that buoyancy is related to density
Write down the experimental equipment and steps

Equipment: spring scale, weight, a cup of water, a cup of oil
1. The spring scale weighs the weight of the weight to get G1
2. A weight is hung under the spring scale, the weight is immersed in water, and then the weight of the weight is weighed to get G2
3. A weight is hung under the spring scale. Immerse the weight in the oil, and then weigh the weight to get G3
G1-g2 = buoyancy of water to the weight
G1-g3 = buoyancy of oil to weight
In this way, it can be proved that different densities of water and oil will produce different buoyancy on the same object

It is proved that the thermometer is made according to the principle of liquid expansion and contraction
The design experiment proves that the thermometer is made according to the principle of liquid expansion and contraction
To test

The liquid in it is mercury, which means heat expansion and cold contraction. With a very thin glass tube, of course

Please design an experiment to prove that not all liquids become larger when they solidify,
The fastest additional score

First, for most substances, the temperature of the liquid decreases, the molecular distance decreases and the volume decreases after solidification;
Second, the volume of a few substances, such as water, becomes larger after its liquid solidifies due to the formation of hydrogen bonds in its molecular structure
Because when the liquid water solidifies into ice, the intermolecular interaction forces make the molecules arrange according to certain rules, and each molecule is surrounded by four molecules to form a crystalline tetrahedron. This arrangement is relatively loose, so that the average distance between the molecules in the ice crystal is greater than the average distance between the molecules in the liquid water
In liquid water, the arrangement of molecules is chaotic, unlike that in ice, which is arranged according to certain rules. Although the movement of molecules in liquid water is more free than that in ice, the average distance between molecules is smaller than that in ice, so the density of water is higher than that of ice

Looking for the knowledge points of the book culture and life

What is the connotation of culture? How to understand it? Culture in cultural life refers to all the spiritual activities and products of human beings relative to economy and politics. It includes not only the ideological parts such as world outlook, outlook on life and values, but also natural science

The arrangement of cultural life knowledge points of politics compulsory 3 in Senior Two

Summary of the examination points of cultural life
Unit 1 culture and life
1. Understand the meaning and form of culture
(1) the meaning of culture (P6): culture is all the spiritual activities and products of human beings relative to economy and politics. It includes not only the ideological parts such as world outlook, outlook on life and values, but also the non ideological parts such as natural science and technology, language and characters
(3) the form of culture (P8): culture has very rich forms, such as thought, theory, belief, morality, education, science, literature, art, etc.; the process of people's cultural production, dissemination and accumulation is cultural activities
2. Understanding the relationship between culture, economy and Politics (P10)
On the one hand, economy is the foundation, politics is the concentrated expression of economy, and culture is the reflection of economy and politics. On the other hand, culture can react on certain economy and politics, It has a great influence on economy and politics. Specifically, the culture of different nationalities influences the development path of different nationalities and countries with their own characteristics. Different cultures play different roles. Advanced and healthy cultures will promote social development, while backward and decadent cultures will hinder social development
On the one hand, science and technology, education and talents are playing an increasingly important role in economic development; on the other hand, with the development of cultural industry, cultural consumption is more abundant, and the role of cultural productivity in the overall pattern of modern economy is more and more prominent, At home, in order to better participate in political life, people need higher cultural literacy; at abroad, only by vigorously cultivating and promoting national culture and national spirit can we resist the westernization and differentiation of Western hostile forces and oppose cultural hegemony
3. Understand the position and role of culture in the competition of comprehensive national strength, and feel the cultural competitiveness (P11)
(1) the position and role of culture in the competition of comprehensive national strength: in today's world, the competition of comprehensive national strength among countries is becoming increasingly fierce, and culture has increasingly become an important source of national cohesion and creativity, and an important factor in the competition of comprehensive national strength
With the development of world multipolarization, economic globalization and the rapid development of science and technology, the degree of integration of culture, economy and politics is deepening, the cultural content of economy is increasing, and the economic function of culture is becoming stronger and stronger. Culture has become an important factor in the core competitiveness of a country, Culture is an important spiritual weapon for safeguarding national interests and security in the competition of comprehensive national strength. It can stimulate the creative vitality of the whole nation's culture and improve the soft power of national culture
(2) we should vigorously develop the cultural industry and improve the cultural competitiveness: ① from the aspect of material life, developing the cultural industry and improving the cultural competitiveness are conducive to promoting the development of the national economy and improving China's comprehensive national strength; it is conducive to resisting foreign cultural aggression and ensuring cultural security; it is conducive to increasing economic income and improving people's consumption structure, From the aspect of spiritual life, the development of cultural industry can produce a large number of healthy and progressive spiritual products and spiritual wealth worthy of the times, which can not only meet people's spiritual and cultural needs, but also bring people physical and mental pleasure and the improvement of scientific and cultural quality, At the same time, it can promote people to form correct world outlook, life outlook, values and good moral cultivation, so as to realize people's all-round development
(it can be analyzed from the relationship between culture and politics and economy, and from the influence of culture on people and society.)
4. Understanding the influence of culture on people (p13-21)
(1) the expression of the influence of culture on people: it comes from the specific cultural environment and various forms of cultural activities. ① culture affects people's communication behavior and way. ② culture affects people's practical activities, cognitive activities and way of thinking
(2) the characteristics of the influence of culture on people: first, the influence of culture on people is subtle; second, the influence of culture on people has profound and lasting characteristics
(3) the significance of culture's influence on people: excellent culture can enrich people's spiritual world, enhance people's spiritual strength, and promote people's all-round development
Unit 2 cultural inheritance and innovation
1. Understand cultural diversity and its functions, and learn to respect cultural diversity (p31-32)
(1) cultural diversity and its role: world culture is composed of cultures of different nations and countries. The contents and forms of cultures of different nations and countries have their own characteristics. Cultural diversity is the basic feature of human society and an important driving force for the progress of human civilization. Respecting cultural diversity is the inherent requirement for the development of national culture, It is also an inevitable requirement for the realization of world cultural prosperity
(2) the correct attitude towards cultural diversity is: we should not only recognize our own national culture, but also respect other national cultures, learn from each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, respect world cultural diversity, and jointly promote the prosperity and progress of human civilization, Understand personality, live in harmony, and jointly promote the prosperity of world culture
How to respect cultural diversity? (p32-33)
First of all, we should respect our national culture, cultivate and develop our national culture
(2) respecting cultural diversity means respecting and preserving different national cultures. All nations in the world have enriched the world culture with their distinctive national characteristics and jointly promoted the progress and development of human society. Respecting and preserving different national cultures is the basis of human survival and development
(3) we must abide by the principle that all cultures are equal. In cultural exchanges, we should respect differences, understand personalities, live in peace, and jointly promote the prosperity of world culture
3. Understand the ways of cultural transmission (p34-36)
(1) commercial trade is an important way of cultural exchange. (2) population migration is one of the important ways of cultural exchange. (3) education is another important way of cultural communication. (4) modern information technology and mass media have become the main means of cultural communication
4. Understand the main forms and basic characteristics of traditional culture (p39-42)
(1) traditional culture is a relatively stable culture formed in the long-term historical development and retained in real life. From the continuation of traditional customs, traditional architecture, traditional literature and art, traditional ideas in all aspects of social life, we can feel the inheritance of culture
(2) traditional culture has relative stability and distinct national characteristics
5. Understanding the role of traditional culture (for social and human development) (p42)
In the process of social development, with the development of productive forces, economic and political changes, the corresponding content of traditional culture can play a positive role in the development of society and people if it can adapt to the changes of social life and constantly meet people's growing spiritual needs