Cherish the example of time! 50-100 words!

Cherish the example of time! 50-100 words!

The ancient book Huainanzi says: "sages do not value the quality of a ruler, but the Yin of an inch." there is a poem in changgexing in Yuefu of Han Dynasty: "when will a hundred rivers reach the sea in the East and return to the west? If young people don't work hard, old people will be sad." Tao Yuanming of Jin Dynasty also has a time saving poem: "if the golden age doesn't come again, it's hard to come again in the morning, so we should encourage them in time, Time and tide wait for no man. "In Wang Zhenbai's White Deer Cave at the end of Tang Dynasty, there is a wonderful metaphor of" an inch of time and an inch of gold ". Balzac, a French writer, compares time to capital. Goethe, a German poet, regards time as his own property. Lu Xun has a deeper understanding of time. He said:" time is life. Wasting other people's time for no reason is tantamount to murder. ", In order to save time, she devoted her whole body and mind to scientific creation, strictly controlled herself, refused to participate in all activities unrelated to science, and even resigned as president of the Royal College. In order not to delay visitors' visit, Madame Curie never put a chair in the reception room. Einstein, 76, fell ill. An old friend asked him what he wanted, he said, I just hope there are still a few hours left for me to sort out some of the manuscripts
Most contemporary teenagers admire the affluent life of the United States and Japan, as well as their cars and electrical appliances. However, do you know how much they cherish their time? As early as 200 years ago, when the United States was not independent, Franklin, one of the founders, scientists, industrialists and leaders of the independence movement in the United States, wrote two popular maxims: "time is life" and "time is money" in his book "the road to wealth", Before going abroad, the head of the delegation prepared a thick stack of speeches. However, the order sheet submitted by Japanese officials at that time said: "Chinese speaking time: 10:17:20 to 18:20." the speaking time is only one minute. It seems inconceivable to those who "read a cup of tea, a cigarette and a newspaper for a long time", but it is extremely common in Japan. Japan is from a worker to a scholar, Their basic criterion for assessing the incompetence of workers is the amount of labor per unit time under the premise of ensuring quality, and the time is generally accurate to seconds

We cherish the example of time
We must live in the celebrity do not!

Balzac, a great French writer, cherishes time very much. He makes a schedule for himself: from midnight to noon - work, from noon to afternoon - proofreading, afternoon

Examples of celebrities cherishing time
First write about how celebrities cherish their time, and then write about their achievements! ≈ √ it must be finished today (⊙ o ⊙)

Mr. Lu Xun cherishes his time very much. He "uses other people's coffee time in his writing", so he has a lot of works all his life and becomes a great master of literature
Chen Jingrun, a famous mathematician, cherishes his time very much. He once worked out a work schedule for himself, making full use of every minute of 24 hours a day. Even when he was walking on the road, he was reading and reciting. His English, Russian, French and German words were mastered in this way
Balzac, a great French writer, cherishes time very much. His every second is full. He makes a schedule for himself: from midnight to noon - work, from noon to afternoon - proofreading, 5:00 p.m. - dinner, and 5:30 p.m. - rest. It is not difficult to see Balzac's treasure of time from this schedule, It is also because he skillfully used his time to work hard and study that he became a world famous writer

Three boys and three girls in a row, just three girls in the adjacent position is ()
A. 15B. 120C. 1120D. 130

All the arrangements are 6! There are A33 · a44 & nbsp;, so the probability of three girls in the adjacent position is A33 · & nbsp; a & nbsp; 446! =15, so a

If there are 81 different mappings from set p to set Q = {a, B, C}, then there are 81 different mappings from set Q to set P______ One

Let set P have n elements. According to the principle of step-by-step counting, we know that there are 3N different mappings from set p to set Q = {a, B, C}, 81 different mappings from set p to set Q = {a, B, C}, 43 different mappings from set Q to set P, so the answer is: 64

Knowledge of cultural life answers this question
The construction of ecological civilization calls for the consumption idea rich in the spirit of the times
Since modern times, some people in western society have advocated consumerism, emphasizing that consumption can promote economic growth, encourage people to consume without restraint, and regard consumption and possession of more material wealth as signs of success in life. Consumerism has led to the waste of resources and the deterioration of the environment
In traditional Chinese society, thrift is advocated, and consumption is controlled. As a precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation, thrift keeps pace with the times. In contemporary China, people have a new understanding of thrift
Through cooperation, he Niu believes that from the perspective of ecological civilization, the Era Connotation of diligence and thrift should be: respect and cherish the fruits of labor, moderate consumption, rational use of resources and protection of the environment

: a certain culture is determined by certain economy and politics. The connotation of thrift is advancing with the times, reflecting the new characteristics and new requirements of the development of the times. "The Era Connotation of diligence and Thrift" is the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional excellent culture. ③ "the Era Connotation of diligence and Thrift" meets the requirements of socialist concept of honor and disgrace and socialist core value system;

How to build a cultural power and enhance the international influence of Chinese culture by using the knowledge of cultural life

1. We must take cultural construction as an important strategic task of socialist modernization, stimulate the creative vitality of the whole nation's culture, improve the country's cultural soft power, and provide the right direction guarantee, inexhaustible spiritual power and strong intellectual support for economic construction
2. Vigorously develop cultural industry and promote the development of cultural productivity
3. To be an emissary of spreading Chinese culture and promote Chinese culture to the world

Using the knowledge of cultural inheritance and innovation in cultural life, we should talk about how to enhance cultural self-confidence and cultural consciousness

It is necessary to form self-consciousness and self-confidence in the Chinese nation's own culture; to form self-consciousness and self-confidence in the achievements of human civilization, to maintain a highly open and inclusive cultural mind, and to be good at cultivating and protecting cultural diversity; to strive to build a socialist core value system, so as to form a Chinese style and style that people like to hear and see

Using the knowledge of cultural life, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis of cultural construction in Guangdong Province

1. Culture has a certain reaction to certain political economy. Advanced and healthy culture can promote social development
2. Culture and political economy mingle
3. Culture influences people's way of communication, behavior, cognition, practice and thinking. Culture has a profound and lasting influence on people
4. As a spiritual power, culture can be transformed into material power in the process of people's understanding and transforming the world
(answer with materials.)

Knowledge of political and economic life in Senior High School

Lesson 1 magic currency
1. What is the meaning of goods? What are the basic attributes of goods?
(1) meaning: goods are labor products used for exchange. Goods must meet two basic conditions: first, for exchange; second, labor products
(2) the basic attributes of commodities are: use value (the attribute that commodities can meet people's needs) and value (undifferentiated human labor condensed in commodities). Value is the essential attribute of commodities
2. What is the meaning of money? What is the nature of money? What are the basic functions of money?
(1) meaning: a commodity which is separated from a commodity and serves as a general equivalent is money
(2) essence: the essence of money is the general equivalent. The general equivalent refers to the commodity that can be exchanged with all other commodities
(3) basic functions: the basic functions of money are value scale (money itself has value and is a commodity, so it can act as the function of value scale. The form of currency implementing value scale is that it only needs conceptual money and does not need real money) and circulation means (money acts as the medium of commodity exchange, and the form of currency implementing circulation means is that it can only use real money, Money as a means of circulation refers to the direct use of money to buy or sell goods, requiring the exchange of value between the two sides
(4) other functions: in addition to its basic functions, money also serves as a means of payment (means of payment refers to the case of other payment currencies except cash, which is unilateral payment of value when trading), a means of storage, and a function of world currency
3. The formula of the law of currency circulation: total commodity price, quantity of goods for sale * price level
Amount of money needed in circulation = Times of money circulation = Times of money circulation
4. Paper money and its essence? Inflation, deflation and harm?
(1) paper money is a compulsory value symbol issued by the state (or some regions), and its essence is a value symbol (it has no value, so it can't be used as the function of value measure)
(2) the amount of paper money must be limited to the amount of money needed in circulation. If the amount exceeds this limit, inflation may occur. If the amount is less than this limit, deflation may occur
Inflation is a comprehensive and continuous phenomenon of price rising in the economic operation. One of the main reasons for inflation is that the circulation of paper money exceeds the amount of money in circulation. When inflation occurs, the price rises, and people's income level remains unchanged, it will reduce people's living standards and cause social and economic disorder, Not conducive to the healthy and stable development of the national economy
Deflation is a comprehensive and continuous phenomenon of price decline in economic operation. The issue of paper money is less than the amount needed in circulation, which is an important reason for deflation. In the short run, price decline is conducive to the improvement of people's living standards, but in the long run, it will make it difficult to sell goods and lead to economic recession, Eventually affect the improvement of people's living standards
5. What are the settlement methods? What settlement tools do people usually adopt?
(1) settlement method: cash settlement; transfer settlement
(2) credit instruments: credit card, check (transfer check and cash check)
6. What is the meaning of exchange rate? What is the rise and fall of foreign exchange rate?
(1) exchange rate, also known as exchange rate, is the exchange rate between two currencies
(2) if 100 units of foreign currency are converted into more RMB, it means that the exchange rate of foreign currency rises and the foreign currency appreciates; otherwise, it means that the exchange rate of foreign currency falls and the foreign currency depreciates. If 100 units of local currency (RMB) are converted into more foreign currency, it means that the exchange rate of local currency (RMB) rises and the RMB appreciates; otherwise, it means that the exchange rate of local currency (RMB) falls and the foreign currency depreciates