Temperature climate life Connection and influence

Temperature climate life Connection and influence

In a region, the long-term change of temperature affects the climate change in this region. The factors that affect the climate change are (dry humidity, wind, cloud, fog, rain, snow, frost, thunder, hail, air pressure). A certain period of climate change will lead to the change of life style of a species (human or animal) and the change of physical state (evolution, extinction)

Give examples to illustrate the negative effects of human activities on weather environment

Just two Freon emissions destroy the ozone layer, ultraviolet rays will shine on the earth and make biological diseases; carbon dioxide emissions will cause a greenhouse effect, Antarctic glaciers will melt, and sea level rise will submerge coastal areas

How should we treat natural resources? Give examples in our daily life

We should cherish and protect the natural resources. And implement it in every little thing in our life. When I copy, I always collect some waste paper and make it into a Book (I'm an accountant), which is used to write the entry draft and memorize words. Don't think it's nothing. Think that our paper is made from trees

The formula for finding the projective theorem and its development. I can't remember it all the time

It's you again. I can't remember it, but I can use it. Only ghosts can remember it

Can n linearly independent vectors in an n-dimensional vector space represent all the vectors in this space

Yes. Whether a vector B can be linearly expressed by a vector group A1,..., as is equivalent to whether the linear equation group X1A1 +... + xsas = B has a solution, that is, (A1,..., as) x = B has a solution. The determinant of N linearly independent vectors A1,..., an in n-dimensional vector space | A1,..., an ≠ 0, so the equation group (A1,..., as) x = B has a solution

Proof: any m (> n) n-dimensional vector must be linearly related. No concept of rank
Proof: any m (> n) n-dimensional vector must be linearly related. There is no need to use the concept of rank,

M n-dimensional vector crossing (memory method) is n equations, m unknowns will certainly make AX = 0 have non-zero solution ·· existence is not all zero ··· so linear correlation ·· or supplement 0, make the matrix into a square matrix, and use the concept of rank. The basic understanding is: the base of n-dimensional vector group is composed of N vectors at most

Prove the bisector theorem of internal angle with sine theorem

In triangle ABC, if ad bisects angle a, then:
The area of triangle abd = (1 / 2) BA × Da × SiNW
The area of triangle CBD = (1 / 2) Ca × Da × SiNW
And the bottom of the two triangles are BD and DC, that is, the area ratio is BD: DC. According to the sine theorem, if the area ratio of the two triangles is ba: Ca, then:

What is the principle and basic operation method of Kjeldahl method for determining protein content in food?
Such as the title

Principle: organic nitrogen compounds are digested with concentrated sulfuric acid, nitrogen is converted into ammonia, and then combined with sulfuric acid to form ammonium sulfate. Ammonium sulfate reacts with strong base to release ammonia. Ammonia is distilled into excessive standard inorganic solution, and then titrated with standard base solution. According to the amount of ammonia measured, the total nitrogen content of the sample is calculated

The principle of measuring protein content by ultraviolet spectrophotometry?

UV absorption spectrum is based on the characteristics of chromophores and chromophores, which can be used for the identification and structural analysis of substances. 2 among the 20 amino acids involved in protein composition, the R groups of tryptophan (TRP), tyrosine (Tyr) and phenylalanine (PHE) contain benzene ring conjugated double bond system

What is the principle of determining protein content by Folin phenol reagent method? What problems should be paid attention to in the determination?

Principle: Folin phenol reagent can chelate with free casein, which is blue. The content of free casein in solution can be determined by ot detection
Note: pay attention to ot measurement and compare the protein content in blank sample