For example, how to keep two decimal places if there is a number in the middle of two circular section decimals with three decimal places

For example, how to keep two decimal places if there is a number in the middle of two circular section decimals with three decimal places

Look at the first place after the decimal of this number. For example: 1.3131 ·············································································

Examples represented by negative numbers in life examples represented by finite decimals in life

Negative number: temperature
Limited decimal: the number on the bill, the price (1.5 yuan for a bottle of water)

Wonderful language in life, examples. It must be in life

When I cry, I don't have shoes, but I find some people don't have feet. 2. I'd rather forgive others than let others forgive you. 3. The world doesn't belong to you, so you don't have to abandon it. What you should abandon is all persistence. Everything is for me, but not for me