6 18 3 7 2 is equal to 12. Add, subtract, multiply and divide in the space 6 12 5 15 4 is equal to 7

6 18 3 7 2 is equal to 12. Add, subtract, multiply and divide in the space 6 12 5 15 4 is equal to 7


Fill in the 9 spaces with - 8. - 6. - 4. -
So that the sum of 3 numbers in each row, 3 numbers in each column and 2 numbers in diagonal connection angle is 0

-6 ,4,2
8 ,0,-8

Fill in the nine spaces with positive and negative 8, 6, 5, 4, 2 and 0
The problem is to make the sum of every row, column and diagonal equal. The problem is to make the sum of every row, column and diagonal equal to 0
Srroy! No plus or minus 5, I have the wrong number! Hee hee

6 -8 2
-4 0 4
-2 8 -6

Try to fill the nine numbers - 10, - 8, - 6, - 2,0,2,6,8,10 into the nine spaces in the figure below, so that the sum of the three numbers in each diagonal of each row and column is 0

6,0 ,-6