The multiplication sign between two identical letters can not only be omitted, but also be written and read. What is the meaning?

The multiplication sign between two identical letters can not only be omitted, but also be written and read. What is the meaning?

The dot "·" is used to indicate the multiplication sign when the letters are multiplied,
You can't write that between numbers
The multiplication of two identical letters A and a can be written as follows:
a×a ,a·a ,aa,a²
It's a times a, or the square of A

The multiplication sign between letters or between letters and numbers can be marked as "·" or ()

The multiplication sign between letter and letter, between letter and number can be marked as "·" or (omitted)

The multiplication sign between letters can be replaced by a dot. Can it be between numbers and letters or between numbers and numbers?

Numbers and letters can be separated
There is no difference between numbers