Numbers and algebraic expressions and equations (2) there are filling in the blanks and practical problems, within 10 minutes (multiplier sign: ×, division sign: △) Fill in the blanks: 1. Read a book, N pages a day, () 100 pages a day Xiao Xia is x years old and her father is (x + y years old). Ten years later, her father is () years older than Xiao Xia Fill in the blank ③ when m = 5, 5m = (), 5m + 1 = () There is a book. Xiaohua read 25% of it on the first day and one third of it on the second day. There are 120 pages left. How many pages are there in this book? There are 50 passengers on the bus. According to the conductor, the income of 1 yuan is 20 yuan more than that of 1.5 yuan. How many passengers buy 1.5 yuan tickets?

Numbers and algebraic expressions and equations (2) there are filling in the blanks and practical problems, within 10 minutes (multiplier sign: ×, division sign: △) Fill in the blanks: 1. Read a book, N pages a day, () 100 pages a day Xiao Xia is x years old and her father is (x + y years old). Ten years later, her father is () years older than Xiao Xia Fill in the blank ③ when m = 5, 5m = (), 5m + 1 = () There is a book. Xiaohua read 25% of it on the first day and one third of it on the second day. There are 120 pages left. How many pages are there in this book? There are 50 passengers on the bus. According to the conductor, the income of 1 yuan is 20 yuan more than that of 1.5 yuan. How many passengers buy 1.5 yuan tickets?

Ten years later, my father is older than Xiao Xia (y). Fill in the blanks 3. 5m = (25), 5m + 1 = (26) application questions 1. 25% + 1 / 3 = 7 / 12, 1-7 / 12 = 5 / 12, 120 △ 5 / 12 = 288 (pages) suppose there are x passengers who buy 1.5 yuan tickets. 1 (50-x) - 1.5x = 20

Who can write a standard definition of the same position angle, adjacent complement angle, internal stagger angle and the same side internal angle? It's best to add an easy to understand explanation

Two straight lines are cut by the third line. On the same side of the third line, the two corners of the same position (upper, lower, left and right positions should be the same) are at the same position with each other. After the intersection of two straight lines, the two corners with a common vertex and a common side are called adjacent complementary angles. There are two adjacent complementary angles of an angle

What is the number with four dots around the multiply sign?

It should be the same thing as * and display in different fonts, but it doesn't seem to be very useful now
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