On the addition and subtraction of rational numbers: (+ 9) - (+ 21) (2) (- 12) - (+ 18) (3) 0 - (- 63) (4) (- 32) - 0 (5) (- 5.4) - 2.8 And: (6) (+ 37.9) - (- 5.1) (7) (- 15) - (8-9) (8) (8-2) - (14-9)

On the addition and subtraction of rational numbers: (+ 9) - (+ 21) (2) (- 12) - (+ 18) (3) 0 - (- 63) (4) (- 32) - 0 (5) (- 5.4) - 2.8 And: (6) (+ 37.9) - (- 5.1) (7) (- 15) - (8-9) (8) (8-2) - (14-9)

(1)(﹢9)-(﹢21) =9-21=12(2)(﹣12)-(﹢18) =-12-18=-30(3)0-(﹣63) =0+63=63(4)(﹣32)-0 =-32-0=-32(5)(﹣5.4)-2.8 =-5.4-2.8=8.2(6)(﹢37.9)-(﹣5.1) =37.9+5.1=43(7)(﹣15)-(8﹣9) =-15-8+9=-14(8)(8﹣2)-(14﹣9)...

Here are two questions. Observe the relationship between them and fill in the number represented by each figure
(1)□+△=16 □-4=16 □=( ) △=( )
(2)△+3=16 □+△=5 □=( ) △=( )

If you make a fool of yourself, it's not negative

Mathematical problem addition and subtraction
Xiao Ming and his three friends went boating. Originally, they agreed on the AA system, but the other three didn't have any change. Xiao ming helped the three people pay 70 yuan first. In the middle of the way, a few people said that they would let Xiao Ming give them the boat cheaply, so they gave Xiao Ming 40 yuan, and the boat belonged to them. Afterwards, Xiao Ming didn't know how to distribute it, and everyone didn't lose money

70 - 40 = 30 three people pay a total of 70 yuan minus 40 yuan paid by others, that is 30 yuan
Xiao Ming and three people will bear 30 yuan. There are four people with Xiao Ming, so each person should pay 30 / 4 yuan, that is 7.5 yuan
To sum up, each of the three people should pay Xiao Ming 7.5 yuan