How to calculate negative number before bracket when merging similar items?

How to calculate negative number before bracket when merging similar items?

For example: 3-3 (X-Y) = 3 + (- 3 * x) + (- 3) (- y)
Then calculate~

How to calculate the negative index
As shown in the picture

First change the number into a fraction and then calculate it
That's 1 / 23 ^ 2, and then square it
For example, the - 3 power of 2 means the reciprocal of the 3 power of 2
(- can be interpreted as reciprocal)

Use - A to represent the opposite number of rational number a, then - a must be negative? A must be greater than - a? Give an example

If a = - 1, then - a = 1, then - A is a positive number, so a is not necessarily negative. If a = 0, then - a = 0, then a = - A, so a is not necessarily greater than - A