There are 90 Egyptian scores: one half, one third, one ninety-one. Pick out five and add a sign to make their sum equal to minus one

There are 90 Egyptian scores: one half, one third, one ninety-one. Pick out five and add a sign to make their sum equal to minus one


Pick out 10 numbers in 1 / 2,3 / 1,1 / 4.1/91 and add the sign to make the sum equal to - 1


90 Egyptian numbers have 90 Egyptian numbers 1 / 2, 1 / 3,..., 1 / 90, 1 / 91. Choose nine of them and add the sign to make them equal to - 1!
(see! It's nine! And equals - 1!


Select 10 Egyptian numbers and add a sign to make their sum equal to - 1
