How to do the 0-1 + 2-3 + 4-5 mixed operation of rational number addition and subtraction,

How to do the 0-1 + 2-3 + 4-5 mixed operation of rational number addition and subtraction,

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The steps of mixed operation of rational number addition and subtraction are as follows: 1. Write (). 2 in the formula in the form of shenlue ()
3. Try to use the law of addition operation to make the operation ()

The steps of adding and subtracting rational numbers are as follows
1. Convert subtraction into addition;
2. Written in the form of an ellipsis (sum of plus signs);
3. Try to use the law of addition to make the operation (simple)

How to calculate the mixed operation of addition and subtraction of rational numbers

1. Write it in the form of + and take the same sign as the sign of sum with the absolute value added
2. Different sign: compare the size of the absolute value, determine the sign of the sum, and then subtract the small absolute value from the large absolute value

What is the method of mixed operation of rational number addition and subtraction

The general steps of the mixed operation of addition and subtraction of rational numbers are: (1) converting subtraction into addition in the form of omitting the plus sign and brackets; (2) simplifying the operation by applying the commutative law and associative law of addition; (3) finding the result. Some skills in the mixed operation of addition and subtraction are illustrated with examples