Must negative numbers be rational numbers

Must negative numbers be rational numbers

Wrong, an irrational number is an infinite acyclic decimal. For example, π is an irrational number and - π is a negative number, but it is still an irrational number

A positive number and a negative number zero are rational numbers, right
Because the teacher said that rational number includes positive number and negative number zero. There is a saying in our book that rational number includes positive number and negative number zero (this sentence is not a special definition of rational number). However, π is a positive number, but it is an irrational number

Let's put it this way, because you only learn rational numbers, so the positive number you (including your teacher) said is actually the abbreviation of positive rational number, negative number is the abbreviation of negative rational number, and π is a positive real number (you may not learn), it is a positive irrational number (plus a negative sign can also be a negative irrational number), not a rational number, let alone a positive rational number (you said a positive number)

a. If B is a rational number, then for the conclusion: (1) a must not be a negative number; (2) B may be a negative number, where: A. only (1) correct B
