In general, when a number is multiplied by a letter, the multiplication sign can be omitted. For example, 3 × A is written as 3a. How to read 3A? Is it 3 times a or 3A

In general, when a number is multiplied by a letter, the multiplication sign can be omitted. For example, 3 × A is written as 3a. How to read 3A? Is it 3 times a or 3A

If you omit, you omit. You don't need to read the multiplication sign. It's 3a

Multiply the number by the letter. The number should be written in front of the letter. The multiplication sign can be () or ()
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The number should be written in front of the letter, and the multiplication sign can be used (&;) or omitted

Simple equation, multiplication of letters and numbers

Simple equation, multiplication of letters and numbers can be omitted, but the number must be written in front of the letter
For example: 5 × a = 5A

The sum of 2 times of the opposite number of X and 3 is negative, and the sum of X and 1 is positive

X > 3 / 2
So x > 3 / 2