What is a negative number minus a negative number

What is a negative number minus a negative number

Negative minus negative may be equal to positive
As long as the minus is greater than the subtracted, say - 5 - (- 6) = 1
Negative minus negative may be negative
As long as the minus is less than the subtracted, say - 5 - (- 4) = - 1
Negative minus negative may be equal to zero
Just subtract = subtracted, say - 5 - (- 5) = 0

Negative number calculation
The negative number addition subtraction multiplication wins the computation way, also has the negative score computation way

Calculation of negative number:
① Addition
Adding a negative number equals subtracting the opposite
eg. 1+(-2) = 1 - 2 = -1
② Subtraction
Similarly, subtracting a negative number is equal to adding its opposite number (positive number)
eg. 1 - (-2) = 1 + 2 = 3
③ Multiplication
Multiply two negative numbers and regard them as two parts of sign + positive number
Sign and sign operation, positive number and positive number operation
Negative to positive is the multiplication of two - signs to positive (- 1) * (- 1) = (-) (1 * 1) = + 1 = 1
Positive or positive (3) * (7) = (+) (3 * 7) = + 21 = 21
Positive or negative or positive, negative (- 2) * (9) = (2) * (- 9) = (+) (2 * 9) = (-) (2 * 9) = - 18
④ The rules of division are the same as multiplication. Similarly, it can be divided into two parts
⑤ A negative fraction is the operation of a fraction, with a negative sign at the end
-1 / 5 is "the result of dividing 1 by 5 with a negative sign becomes its opposite number."

How to calculate if the index is a fraction or a negative number? For example, how to calculate 5 ^ 2 / 3 5 ^ - 5
The process of calculation is more detailed. Thank you very much
What if it's 5 ^ 3 / 7?

5 ^ 2 / 3 can be written as the square of 5 under the triple root
5 ^ - 5 can be written as 1 / 5 ^ 5

What is the meaning of negative index

The negative exponent of a number is one tenth of the same positive exponent
For example, 2 ^ (- 2) = 1 / (2 * 2) = 1 / 4

How to write the problem of (- 1 / 2) ^ - 3 + (- 1 / 3) ^ - 2 - (- 1 / 5) ^ - 1, how to calculate the index is negative?
(-a^3)^2*(_ How to calculate division in a ^ 2) ^ 3 / (- A ^ 6) ^ 2

If you divide, it's the power of the upper right corner of a minus one~

When doing calculations with absolute values, do you regard absolute values as positive or negative? For example: | - 4 | + 2 = 4 + 2 or - 4 + 2?

1. 2. The absolute value of a is represented by "| a |", which is read as "the absolute value of a". 3. The absolute value of real number a is always non negative, that is, | a | ≥ 0. The absolute value of positive number is itself, the absolute value of negative number is its opposite number, and the absolute value of 0 is 0

What do you find in the calculation of the problem (positive, negative and 0, and find their absolute value)?
thank you

The absolute value of a positive number is itself
The absolute value of a negative number is its opposite
The absolute value of 0 is 0

Multiply a negative number by a positive number? It's better to give more examples and operations

Multiply a negative number by a positive number, and the result is negative. Multiply the two numbers, such as - 3 * 2 = - (3 * 2) = - 6,4 * (- 5) = - (4 * 5) = - 20

+Does a have to be a positive number? - does a have to be a negative number? Give an example

If a is negative, then + A is negative, and - A is positive. For example, if a = - 1, then + a = + - 1, omitting + is - 1. - a = -- 1, if negative, then positive a = 1, if a = 0, then + a = - A

What is the result of dividing a positive number by a negative number

A positive number divided by a negative number results in a negative number