The disjunctive form and the calculation of the answers in the first volume of the fourth grade

The disjunctive form and the calculation of the answers in the first volume of the fourth grade

A simple method is used for calculation
1、368+2649+1351 =368+(2649+1351)=368+4000=4368
2、 89+101+111=(89+111)+101=200+101=301
We can see that the law of exchange and the law of association of addition and subtraction are used
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Who can help me out of the fourth grade first volume 30 to simple calculation take off test?

75÷〔138÷(100-54)〕 85×(95-1440÷24) 80400-(4300+870÷15) 240×78÷(154-115) 1437×27+27×563 〔75-(12+18)〕÷15 2160÷〔(83-79)×18〕 280+840÷24×5 325÷13×(266-250) 85×(95-1440...

Simple calculation!
108 × 99 and 99 × 101 × 99


In a 200 meter long road, two rows of trees were planted on both sides. The starting point and the ending point were planted. A total of 52 trees were planted. The distance between two adjacent trees was equal. Find the distance between two adjacent trees

25 divided by 200