What is the area volume formula of some basic geometric figures

What is the area volume formula of some basic geometric figures

Bottom area multiplied by height

How to apply the chain rule to the compound function with more than or equal to three layers? For example, using the chain rule to find the derivative of u {f [g (x)]}

It's the same
Then Du / DX = Du / DF * DF / DG * dg / DX

Compound function algorithm of derivative
Why is y = [(2x + 5) to the 5th power] 'y = (2x + 3)' [(2x + 3) to the 5th power] '= 2 [(2x + 3) to the 5th power]'

The derivation rule of compound function y = f (U (x)) for x y '= u (x)' * f (U (x)) ', f (U (x))' take the U (x) in brackets as the whole derivation, in the equation you ask, 2 is the result of (2x + 3) for X derivation, and then (2x + 3) as a whole for its fifth power derivation
Y = [(2x + 5) to the 5th power] '= 2 [(2x + 5) to the 5th power] = 2 * 5 * [(2x + 5) to the 4th power]