Kneeling for the fifth grade mathematics exercise book 45, 46 page answer!

Kneeling for the fifth grade mathematics exercise book 45, 46 page answer!

1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter 3.8 cubic meter = 3800 cubic decimeter 1000 cubic centimeter = 1 cubic decimeter 2400 cubic centimeter = 2.4 cubic decimeter v = ABH = 50 × 30 × 40 = 60000 = 60

PEP fifth grade volume 1 mathematics exercise book 34
One side of a parallelogram is 25cm, its height is 8cm, the other side is 10cm, how many cm is the height of this side

The areas of the parallelogram rows are equal
25 × 8 = 200 square centimeter
200 △ 10 = 20 cm

People's education press fifth grade first volume mathematics exercise book 33 page answer, please! Know answer it

Please, don't be too lazy, write down the title, do it yourself,

How to do the second question of 32 faces in the first volume of the fifth grade mathematics exercise book of the people's Education Press
We need to use the equation

36.25 divided by 4 = 9.0625