1. The perimeter of a rectangular piece of land is 268 meters, 32 meters longer than the width, and how many meters is the length? (equation solution) 2. A clothing factory bought a batch of 750 meters of cloth, and after processing for a period of time, the remaining meters are two-thirds of pants, four fifths of tops, and how many meters are used for tops and pants? (equation solution)

1. The perimeter of a rectangular piece of land is 268 meters, 32 meters longer than the width, and how many meters is the length? (equation solution) 2. A clothing factory bought a batch of 750 meters of cloth, and after processing for a period of time, the remaining meters are two-thirds of pants, four fifths of tops, and how many meters are used for tops and pants? (equation solution)

1. Set the length as X meters
It's 83 meters long
2. Set X meters
Pants = 200 △ 2 / 3 = 300m
Clothes = 200 △ 4 / 5 = 250 m

A basket of fish weighs 43 kg. After 13 kg is sold, another 5 kg is sold. At this time, the fish in the basket weighs 25 kg

43 - (43-5-25) △ 13 & nbsp; = 43-13 △ 13 = 43-39 = 4 (kg); a: the fish basket weighs 4 kg

1. The distance between a and B is 465km. A passenger train and a freight train run from the two places at the same time. The passenger train runs 74.5km per hour and the freight train 55.5km per hour. A few hours later, the two vehicles meet and then travel 75KM?
2. The distance between a and B is 144 kilometers. Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang start from a and Xiao Wang start from B at the same time. The speed of Xiao Li, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang is 17 kilometers, 12.5 kilometers and 14.5 kilometers per hour respectively?

1. The distance between a and B is 465km. A passenger train and a freight train run from each other at the same time. The passenger train runs 74.5km per hour and the freight train 55.5km per hour. After a few hours, the two vehicles meet and then travel 75KM? (465 + 75) / (74.5 + 55.5) = 54 / 13. After 54 / 13 hours, the two vehicles meet and then travel 75KM

There are 99 notebooks and exercise books. The number of notebooks is 4.5 times of that of exercise books. How many notebooks and exercise books are there?
The granary needs to transport 250 tons of grain, which has been transported for 8 days, 18 tons per day, and the rest will be transported in 4 days. How many tons per day do you need to transport

1. Set X exercise books
Then 4.5X + x = 99
The solution is x = 18
2. It is assumed that an average of X tons are transported in every day
Then 8 × 18 + 4x = 250

Primary school mathematics requires formula calculation, can I ask the equation?

No way ~ formula calculation formula list formula can directly see the relationship between the data~
I remember the primary school mathematics problem has the column formula computation and the column equation computation division ha!

Don't use equations
The kindergarten bought 20 Toy rabbits and 12 toy dogs for a total of 31.6 yuan. It is known that each toy rabbit is 0.3 yuan more expensive than each dog. How much is each of these two toys?

Dog (31.6-0.3 * 20) / (20 + 12) = 0.8 yuan
Rabbit 0.8 + 0.3 = 1.1 yuan

Lie equation: find the distance,
A and B start from two places at the same time, and run in opposite directions. A travels 60 kilometers per hour and B 45 kilometers per hour. When they meet, a travels 90 kilometers more than B. how many kilometers are there between a and B? Please write down the process of solving the problem

It's x hours when we meet
So it took six hours to meet
6 × 60 + 6 × 45 = 630km
A: the distance between the two places is 630 km

One barrel is full of oil. Half of the total amount is taken out for the first time, less than 1kg. The remaining half is taken out for the second time, less than 3000g. There are still 5kg in the barrel?

If you take out half of it the second time, there will be 8kg left
16 kg after the first extraction
If you take out half of it for the first time, you will have 15kg left
The total amount of oil multiplied by 2 is 30kg

There are 180 peach and apricot trees in the orchard. The number of peach trees is three times that of apricot trees. How many classes do peach and apricot trees have?
The sum of a, B and C is 490. A is four times that of C, and B is two times that of C. what are a, B and C?
The sum of three continuous natural numbers is 246. Find these three numbers
The speed of car a is 50 kilometers per hour and that of car B is 52 kilometers per hour. How long will it take for the two cars to meet?

1. Suppose there are x apricot trees, then there are 3x peach trees, x + 3x = 180, and the solution is x = 45
2. Let C be x, then a is 4x, B is 2x, 4x + 2x + x = 490, and the solution is x = 98
3. Let the number in the middle be x, then the former is X-1, and the latter is x + 1, (x-1) + X + (x + 1) = 246
The solution is x = 82
510 divided by (50 + 52) = 5 hours

Grade 5 Volume 1 mathematics exercise book 33.34