1.1,2,4,7,11, (), (). What is the law? How to calculate it? 2.1,4,9,16, (), (). What is the law? How to calculate it? What are the laws of (8,12), (6,14), (11,9), (15) and how to calculate them? 4.16, 4, 1, quarter, (), (). What is the law? How to calculate it?

1.1,2,4,7,11, (), (). What is the law? How to calculate it? 2.1,4,9,16, (), (). What is the law? How to calculate it? What are the laws of (8,12), (6,14), (11,9), (15) and how to calculate them? 4.16, 4, 1, quarter, (), (). What is the law? How to calculate it?

1.1,2,4,7,11,(16),(22 ).
Then + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
1+1=2 2+2=4 4+7=11 11+5=16 16+6=22
2.1,4,9,16,(25)( 36).
Then + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11
1+3=4 4+5=9 9+7=16 16+9=25 25+11=36
3.(8,12),(6,14),(11,9),( 5 ,15 )
It adds up to 20
So 20-15 = 5
16, 4, 1, quarter, (1 / 16), (1 / 64)
Divide by four

Mathematics Grade 6 (knowledge and ability training)
1. (process a cube wood with 20 cm edge length into the largest cone. Height: 20, diameter: 20. What is the actual utilization rate of wood when processing this cylinder?)
2. (put an iron cone with a bottom radius of 4cm and a height of 9cm into an iron bucket full of water, how many cubic centimeters of water will leak out)
3. (melt a cube iron block with an edge length of 10 cm into a cylindrical iron block with a bottom diameter of 20 cm. How high is the cylindrical iron block about?)
If you play hard, you can add 20 points
Today, we need to calculate the formula and the number

1. The actual utilization rate of wood is (1 / 3) π * 20 * 20 / (20 * 20 * 20) = (1 / 3) π!

Mathematics knowledge and ability training of grade 6 in primary school
Li Bai's doggerel is popular among Chinese people, but it is a very interesting mathematical problem. The verse is like this
Li Bai walked on the street, picked up a pot and went to buy wine;
Meet the shop to double, see flower to drink a Dou;
Three meet shop and flower, drink up the wine in the pot;
How much wine is there in the bottle?

The original 0.825 bucket, using the reverse method;
It must have been the last time to enjoy the flowers, so there was a bucket before the third time, 0.5 bucket before the third time, 1.5 bucket before the second time, 0.75 bucket before the second time, 1.75 bucket before the first time and 0.825 bucket before the first time