1. If two numbers are divided, the quotient is 5, the remainder is 7, and the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 187? 2. There are 3561 sheep and goats in a livestock farm. Later, 60 sheep were sold and 100 goats were bought. Now, the number of sheep is twice as many as that of goats. How many sheep and goats are there?

1. If two numbers are divided, the quotient is 5, the remainder is 7, and the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 187? 2. There are 3561 sheep and goats in a livestock farm. Later, 60 sheep were sold and 100 goats were bought. Now, the number of sheep is twice as many as that of goats. How many sheep and goats are there?

Divisor 140 + 7 = 147
Sheep 2400 + 60 + 1 = 2461
Goat 1200-100 = 1100

Trapezoid area is 160 square meters, known trapezoid height is 16 meters, the bottom is 13 meters, how many meters of trapezoid bottom?

Let the top and bottom of the trapezoid be x meters

The salesperson has 125 pieces of RMB 5 yuan and RMB 2 yuan. The total amount of RMB 5 yuan is 40 yuan less than that of RMB 2 yuan. How many pieces of RMB 5 yuan and RMB 2 yuan?

Let 5 yuan have X pieces, then the total amount of 5 yuan is 5x, and because it is 40 less than the total amount of 2 yuan, so the total amount of 2 yuan is 5x + 40, then the total amount of 2 yuan = (5x + 40) / 2
The total number of sheets is 125
125=x+ (5x+40)/2
So there are 30 tickets for 5 yuan and 95 tickets for 2 yuan