It's a simple math problem. It's from primary school! The scale of a map is 1:30000. How many centimeters is the distance of 1.5km on the ground on this map?

It's a simple math problem. It's from primary school! The scale of a map is 1:30000. How many centimeters is the distance of 1.5km on the ground on this map?

On this map: 150000 △ 30000 = 5cm

Two math problems in the second semester of the fourth grade of primary school

159+84+16 99+11+1

Excuse me, two math problems in grade four
1. For a five digit number, the number on the hundred bit is five times that on the individual bit. The number on the hundred bit is the sum of the number on the ten thousand bit and the number on the individual bit. When reading, two zeros are read out. What is the five digit number?
2. For a barrel of oil, the first time you pour out more than half of it by 1kg, the second time you pour out the remaining half by 1kg, there are still 10kg left. How many kilos of this barrel of oil are there?
Thank you for the first question. Please explain the second question in detail
