When Xiao Ming divided 1.44 by one, he moved the decimal point of the divisor one place to the right and got the correct divisor of 0.12 How many?

When Xiao Ming divided 1.44 by one, he moved the decimal point of the divisor one place to the right and got the correct divisor of 0.12 How many?

12 is the divisor after moving one bit to the right, so the original divisor is 1.2

The similarities and differences of integer fraction and decimal operation

Integer operation should be the most basic operation. Decimal operation, addition and subtraction are similar. The integral part is added and subtracted, and the decimal part is added and subtracted. If the subtracted number of the decimal part is less than the subtracted number, it is necessary to borrow one from the integer part

What are the similarities in the operations of integers, decimals and fractions

Operation of integer and decimal addition and subtraction: align the same digits, starting from the last digit
The operation of fractions: only if the denominator is the same, can we add and subtract directly
In fact, the three have the same point - that is, the same counting unit, direct addition and subtraction

What are the similarities and differences in the operations of integers, fractions and decimals

3 is an integer, 3 / 5 is a fraction, 3.34 is a decimal

Simple calculation: (76 + 49) × 5 + 81


In indefinite integral, when x is trigonometric function, isn't the value of T infinite
For example, let x = cost, when x is 1, t can be 0 or 0 + 2K π, so the result is different
For example, the upper limit of the definite integral of (1-x ^ 2 under the root) / x ^ 2 is 1, and the lower limit is 1 / 2 under the root
Let x = cost, then t is 2 π when x = 1, and t is π / 4 when x = 1 / 2 under the root sign
It's not the same as the answer
If x = 1, t = 0 is the same answer
Is there a term for scope?

The problem is that when you set X = cost, the range of T is (0, π)

In statistics, after getting the correlation coefficient, how to evaluate the correlation coefficient?
Because I'm writing a paper on the strength of correlation, is this a science of classification?
"R is between - 1 and - 0.8, which is highly negative correlation;
R was between - 0.8 and - 0.5, which was a moderate (significant) negative correlation;
R is between - 0.5 and - 0.3, which is a low degree of negative correlation;
R is between - 0.3 and 0, which is considered as a weak negative correlation
R is between 0 and 0.3, which is considered as a weak positive correlation;
R is between 0.3 and 0.5, which is a low positive correlation;
R was between 0.5 and 0.8, which was a moderate (significant) positive correlation;
R is between 0.8 and 1, which is highly positive correlation

Such a classification is only relative. It can not be said that it is unscientific or very scientific. This classification does not consider how many pairs of data (i.e. n) are used in the calculation of R
Generally, the significance of R should be tested

Statistics: Calculation of correlation coefficient

D correlation coefficient r = (n ∑ XY - ∑ x ∑ y) / [(n ∑ x ^ 2 - (∑ x) ^ 2) * (n ∑ y ^ 2 - (∑ y) ^ 2)] = 0 / 0 = 1
The correlation coefficient of probability is similar. If we change ∑ XY into P1 and P2, the result is also 0 / 0 = 1

On the linear correlation coefficient of Statistics
If the statistics, linear correlation coefficient r = 0.4, can show that there is a positive correlation between two things?

After calculating the correlation coefficient, we also need to see whether the sig. P value of the test is 0.05, then the correlation is not significant, so there is no need to talk about the positive correlation or negative correlation

What is the relationship between correlation coefficient and regression coefficient in statistics

The regression coefficient B is multiplied by the ratio of the standard deviation of X and Y variables, and the result is the correlation coefficient R. that is, b * σ X / σ y = R