How to solve the equation (LNX) ^ 3-1 + x = 0?

How to solve the equation (LNX) ^ 3-1 + x = 0?

Let f (x) = (LNX) & # 179; + X-1
Then the function f (x) increases on (0, + ∞) and:
If f (1) = 0, then:
The root of equation (LNX) &# 179; - 1 + x = 0 is x = 1

Equation LNX = x

There is no intersection between y = LNX and y = X
So there is no solution

Solving the equation: LNX + (x + 1) × 1 / X - 1 = 0 requires detailed process, thank you

Given that the root of X + e ^ x = 5 is a and the root of equation x + LNX = 5 is B, then a + B

E ^ x = 5-xlnx = 5-xy = e ^ X and y = LNX are inverse functions of each other, so the image is symmetric with respect to quadrant 1 and quadrant 3, that is, the line y = x is symmetric, the line y = 5-x is perpendicular to y = x, the intersection abscissa of Y = 5-x with y = e ^ X and y = LNX is the root of the above two equations, a and B. the two points of a and B are symmetric with respect to y = x, and the midpoint of a and B is y = x and y = 5

Given that the intersection of two lines L1: y = KX + 1 + 2k and y = - 1 / 2x + 2 is above the line y = x, then the range of K is larger

L1: Y-1 = K (x + 2) crossing point (- 2,1)
L2: the slope is - 1 / 2, which can be drawn
The intersection of L2 and y = x is (4 / 3,4 / 3)
So if we take the intersection point into Li, we can get a k = 1 / 10, so a range of K is (1 / 10, + ∞)
Because L1 and L2 intersect, K is not equal to - 1 / 2, and because L1 and L2 intersect above y = x, another range of K is

If the intersection of two lines y = KX + 2K + 1 and X + 2y-4 = 0 is in the fourth quadrant, then the value range of K is ()
A. (-6,2)B. (−16,0)C. (−12,−16)D. (12,+∞)

The simultaneous equation y = KX + 2K + 1x + 2Y − 4 = 0 can be solved to x = 2 − 4k2k + 1y = 6K + 12K + 1. From the intersection of two straight lines y = KX + 2K + 1 and X + 2y-4 = 0 in the fourth quadrant, x = 2 − 4k2k + 1 > 0y = 6K + 12K + 1 < 0 can be obtained. Solving this inequality system, we can get − 12 < K < 16, that is, the value range of K is (− 12, − 16), so we choose C

If the two intersections of the straight line y = KX + 3 and the curve X ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + 2kx-3y-3 = 0 are symmetric about the Y axis, then the coordinates of the intersection are?

If the two intersection points are symmetrical about the y-axis, then the diameter of the circle is the y-axis, that is, the center of the circle is on the y-axis, so k = 0. Thus, the linear equation is y = 3, the equation of the circle is X & sup2; + Y & sup2; - 3y-3 = 0, and the coordinates of the intersection point are (± √ 3,3)

If the two intersections of the line y = KX + 3 and the curve X square + y square + 2kx-3y-3 = 0 are symmetric about the Y axis, then the coordinates of the intersection are?

Because the intersection is symmetric about the Y axis, the line is perpendicular to the Y axis, that is, k = 0, and the equation of the line is y = 3,
Substituting into the curve equation, we can get X1 = - √ 3, X2 = √ 3,
Therefore, the coordinates of the intersection point are (- √ 3,3), (√ 3,3)

It is known that m and N are the common vertex of ellipse C1: x ^ 2 / A ^ 2 + y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1 and hyperbola C2: x ^ 2 / A ^ 2-y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1, P is the moving point on C2, and the slopes of lines MP, NP, MQ and NQ intersecting C1 at point Q (P and Q are different from m and N) are K1, K2, K3 and K4 respectively. It is proved that K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 is the fixed value
It is known that m and N are the common vertices of ellipse C1: x ^ 2 / A ^ 2 + y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1 and hyperbola C2: x ^ 2 / A ^ 2-y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1, P is the moving point on C2, and the line segment OP intersects C1 at point Q (points P and Q are different from points m and N)
1. If the coordinate of point P is (2,1), the eccentricity of C2 is 2, and the molecular root is 6, the equation of C1 is obtained;
2. Note that the slopes of MP, NP, MQ and NQ are K1, K2, K3 and K4 respectively, which proves that K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 is the fixed value

Prove: the tangent of hyperbola C1: x ^ 2-y ^ 2 = 5 and ellipse C2: 4x ^ 2 + 9y ^ 2 = 72 at the intersection are perpendicular to each other
On derivative

The intersection coordinates (3,2) (3, - 2) (- 3,2) (- 3,2) (- 3, - 2) of the two equations are 3x-2y = 5, 2x + 3Y = 123x + 2Y = 5, 2x-3y = 12-3x-2y = 5, - 2x + 3Y = 12-3x + 2Y = 5, - 2x-3y = 12. The product of the slope is - 1, so you must ask how to solve the tangent equation, there is a conclusion