F (x) = the maximum of SiNx cosx

F (x) = the maximum of SiNx cosx

(friendly note: auxiliary angle formula: asinx + bcosx = (√ (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2)) sin (x + α), where Tan α = B / a)
Therefore, when X - π / 4 = π / 2 + 2K π, that is, x = 3 π / 4 + 2K π, the function f (x) has the maximum value √ 2

How to calculate the maximum value of F (x) = SiNx cosx?
How to transform? How to extract the common cause? How to extract

In the form of F (x) = asinx + (or -) bcosx, we can extract a square + b square under the root sign
This topic a, B are equal to 1, so we can extract the root sign 2, the original formula is equivalent to
If f (x) = 2 times of the root (2 / 2 root 2sinx-2 / 2 root 2cosx), then we can use the sine formula of the sum of two angles as the inverse
F (x) = the - sin (x - π / 4) of radical 2
The maximum value is the root sign 2, where x is 7 π / 4

The maximum of F (x) = 1 + cosx + SiNx

y=cosx+sinx +1
=√2[(√2/2)cosx+(√2/2)sinx] +1
=√2[sin(π/4)cosx+cos(π/4)sinx] +1
Maximum = 1 + √ 2
Minimum = 1 - √ 2

The maximum value of F (x) = SiNx + cosx is
A. 1 B. radical 2 C. radical 3 d. 2

Sine function is bounded and belongs to [- 1,1]
So the maximum value of F (x) is √ 2
Choose B

Given SiNx + cosx = 1 / 5 (0 is less than or equal to X is less than or equal to pie), find TG =?
If you know how to do it, please tell me quickly! Thank you

Then (SiNx cosx) ^ 2 = 49 / 25

It is known that sinxcosx = 60 / 169 0

The result is wrong
In fact, the result of this problem can be guessed

Given that SiNx + cosx = 60 / 169 and tt / 4 "x 〈 tt / 2, find the value of SiNx and cosx

The original title should be: SiNx &; cosx = 60 / 169,
So (SiNx + cosx) & sup2; = 1 + 2sinxcosx = 289 / 169,
sinx+cosx=17/13.…… ①
sinx-cosx=7/13.…… ②
① + 2: SiNx = 12 / 13
① (2) COSIX = 5 / 13

Given sinxcosx = 1 / 2, X ∈ [0, π / 2], it is necessary to find the value of 1 at 1 + SiNx + 1 at 1 + cosx


If 0 ≤ x ≤ π 2, sinxcosx = 12, then 11 + SiNx + 11 + cosx=______ .

∵ 0 ≤ x ≤ π 2, sinxcosx = 12, ∵ (SiNx + cosx) 2 = sin2x + cos2x + 2sinxcosx = 1 + 2sinxcosx = 2, ∵ SiNx + cosx = 2, then the original formula = 1 + cosx + 1 + sinx1 + cosx + SiNx + sinxcosx = 2 + 232 + 2 = 4-22

When x=______ SiNx + cosxsinx − cosx has no significance (0 ° < x < 90 ° & nbsp;)

∵ SiNx + cosxsinx − cosx is meaningless ∵ SiNx cosx = 0, ∵ SiNx = cosx, ∵ 0 ° < x < 90 °, ∵ x = 45 °. So the answer is: 45 °