There is an arithmetic sequence with tolerance of 4 and item number of 7. The total number is 147

There is an arithmetic sequence with tolerance of 4 and item number of 7. The total number is 147

Middle number: 147 △ 7 = 21
Other numbers are: 21-4 = 17,17-4 = 13,13-4 = 9,21 + 4 = 25,25 + 4 = 29,29 + 4 = 33

How to find tolerance in summation of arithmetic sequence?
Sum = (first item + last item) * number of items / 2
(on the premise of knowing the sum, the first item, the last item and the number of items)

(first item - last item) divided by (number of items - 1)

The sum of arithmetic sequence must be all Chinese sum = first term = last term = tolerance=

Sum is the sum of the first and last terms multiplied by the number of terms divided by two,
The first term is equal to and multiplied by two divided by the number of terms, and then the last term is subtracted,
The last term is equal to and multiplied by two divided by the number of terms, and then the first term is subtracted,
The tolerance is equal to the difference between any two adjacent terms and the difference between the last term and the first term divided by the number of terms

Why do we use the formula of arithmetic sequence? We need to use (last first) / tolerance plus 1

This is a formula for calculating the number of items in a sequence. According to the tree planting principle, there are n + 1 trees with n intervals, so we need to use (last first) / tolerance plus 1

What is the formula for finding the first term and the last term of an arithmetic sequence

For example, sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Obviously, it is an arithmetic sequence. Then it is found that the value of each adjacent two terms minus one is constant. This value is the tolerance
Then the first term is the first term of the sequence, which is 1
Item 1, 1
Item 2, 3
Item 3, 5
What is the nth term? Through the rule, we find that the relationship between the number of terms (that is, the nth term) and the corresponding value is twice and then minus 1
For example, 1 = 2 × 1-1
Then the nth term an = 2n - 1 is the last term

CN = (2n-1) * (1 / 2) ^ n is solved by dislocation subtraction


The application of the sum of the equal ratio sequence in Mathematics
A ball falls from a height of 30 meters. After landing, it jumps back to half of the original height and falls again. When it lands for the 10th time, the distance it passes is about () meters?
(please write the calculation process and step description)
The correct answer is 89.88 meters.

The first landing and the last landing are one-way, and the middle several are return
The first time: 30 meters
The second time: 30 × (1 / 2) ^ 1
The third time: 30 × (1 / 2) ^ 2
And so on
The 9th time: 30 × (1 / 2) ^ 8
The 10th time: 30 × (1 / 2) ^ 9
So there is the above formula

Application of summation of equal ratio sequence (please attach specific ideas)
The output value of enterprise a in January is a, and the growth rate of monthly output value in the future is p. the total output value of enterprise a in one year is ()

According to the question, we can know that the output value in February is a (1 + P), and that in March is a (1 + P) ^ 2,
By analogy, the output value of each month is an = a (1 + P) ^ (n-1), and N represents the number of months
Obviously, the arithmetic sequence with A1 = a as the first term and q = 1 + P as the common ratio
Therefore, the total output value of enterprise a in one year is the first 12 items and S12
I can ask for it myself. I can't beat it out

On the summation of equal ratio sequence
How to sum from A1 to a (n-1)
How to sum from A3 to an

Total n-1 items
So A1 * [1-Q ^ (n-1)] / (1-Q)
Total n-3 + 1 = n-2 terms
So A3 * [1-Q ^ (n-2)] / (1-Q)

This year, my grandfather's age is six times that of Xiao Ming. In a few years, my grandfather's age will be five times that of Xiao Ming. In a few years, my grandfather's age will be four times that of Xiao Ming

Suppose grandfather is x years old, then Xiao Ming is y years old. The first year passed a, and the second year passed B, x = 6yx + a = 5 (y + a) x = 5Y + 4ax + A + B = 4 (y + A + b) x = 4Y + 3A + 3b solution x = 24a, y = 4A, B = 5A3 according to the actual a = 3, B = 5Y = 12x = 72 A: grandfather is 72 years old