Please write down the process and way of thinking Given an = 1 / N √ (n + 1) + (n + 1)) √ n, find the sum of the first n terms of the sequence If the deformation method of an can not be written in detail, the method can be written directly, but the important steps should be given It's an = (1 / N √ (n + 1)) + (n + 1) √ n. part of the plus sign in front of it is a fraction, but not after it~

Please write down the process and way of thinking Given an = 1 / N √ (n + 1) + (n + 1)) √ n, find the sum of the first n terms of the sequence If the deformation method of an can not be written in detail, the method can be written directly, but the important steps should be given It's an = (1 / N √ (n + 1)) + (n + 1) √ n. part of the plus sign in front of it is a fraction, but not after it~

Is it an = 1 / [n radical (n + 1) + (n + 1) radical n]? If it is, then an = [(n + 1) radical N-N radical (n + 1)] / {[n radical (n + 1) + (n + 1) radical n] [(n + 1) radical N-N radical (n + 1)]} = [(n + 1) radical N-N radical (n + 1)] / [(n + 1) & # 178; N-N & # 178; (n + 1)] = [(n + 1) radical N-N radical (n + 1)] / [(n + 1) & # 178; (n + 1)] = [(n + 1) radical N-N-N radical (n + 1)] /

Write out all the factors of a natural number, and sum these factors in pairs. Among these numbers, the smallest is 3, and the largest is 150
What is it?

The factors that should be 100100 have 1,2,5,. 50100. Sum these factors in pairs, the minimum is 1 + 2 = 3, and the maximum is 50 + 100 = 150
The biggest factor of a number is itself, the second largest factor, even number is divided by 2, so the sum of the two biggest factors divided by 3 times 2 is the natural number

The natural number n has many factors. By summing these factors in pairs, we can get a group of new numbers, of which the smallest is 4, the largest is 196, and N has many factors______ There are three factors

Because the smallest factor of n is 1, and the sum of the two smallest factors is 4, the smallest factor except 1 is 4-1 = 3, so we can see that n is a multiple of 3, because the largest factor of n is itself, and the sum of the two largest factors is 196, because 196 is not a multiple of 3, so the biggest factor except n itself

The natural number n has many factors. By summing these factors in pairs, we can get a group of new numbers, in which the smallest is 4 and the largest is 196. How many factors does n have

The smallest set must be the sum of the two factors of the smallest n
For the natural number n, the smallest factor must be 1
So only a factor greater than 1 is 3
The largest group must be the sum of N itself (the largest factor of n) and the second largest factor
Because of the factor of N, only the factor greater than 1 is 3
Therefore, the second largest factor of N must be 1 / 3 of n
So n + n / 3 = 196
There are six factors of N: 1, 3, 7, 21, 49 and 147

The natural number a has many factors. By summing these factors, we can get several natural numbers. Among them, the smallest is 3 and the largest is 2250. Then what is a =

Because the smallest factor of natural number a must be 1
So the second smallest factor is 3-1 = 2
So a is an even number
So the biggest factor is itself a
The second largest factor is a / 2

A natural number has multiple factors. Sum the factors in pairs. The minimum sum is 4 and the maximum sum is 140. What is the natural number?
Seek solution method, urgent!

A natural number, the smallest factor is 1, the largest factor is the number itself
So the second smallest factor is: 4-1 = 3
The second largest factor is one third of this number
The number is: 140 (1 + 1 / 3) = 135

Xiao Ming practices abacus. He sums from 1 according to the order of natural numbers. When he adds a number, the sum is 1000. But he finds that if he adds one less number, he adds less______ .

1+2+… +44=44×452=990;=946;1+2+… +45 = 45 × 462 = 1035; 990 < 1000 < 1035, the missing number is 1035-1000 = 35

Xiao Ming practices abacus. He sums from 1 according to the order of natural numbers. When he adds a number, the sum is 1000. But he finds that if he adds one less number, he adds less______ .

1+2+… +44=44×452=990;=946;1+2+… +45 = 45 × 462 = 1035; 990 < 1000 < 1035, the missing number is 1035-1000 = 35

Xiao Hua is practicing the sum of natural numbers. Starting from 1, he counts. He finds that he repeats a number. In this case, he averages all the numbers he counts, and the result is 7.4. What is the number he repeats______ .

Because most of a number, its average is larger than the original, according to the method of continuous natural number average, we can know: the original average is 7 or 6.5: (1) if it is 7, then the number of natural numbers is: 7 × 2 = 14, one more is 15, then the number is: 0.4 × 15 = 6

Xiao Ming practices abacus. He sums from 1 according to the order of natural numbers. When added to a certain number, the sum is 1000
Xiao Ming practices abacus. He sums from 1 according to the order of natural numbers. When he adds a number, the sum is 1997, but he finds that he adds one less. Q: which number does Xiao Ming add less?
There is another way:
Xiao Hong practices playing the keyboard. He sums from 1 according to the order of natural numbers. When he adds to a certain number, the sum is 888. But he finds that when he calculates a number repeatedly, which number does Xiao Hong add repeatedly?
Xiao Ming practices abacus. He sums from 1 according to the order of natural numbers. When he adds a number, the sum is 1000, but he finds that he adds one less. Q: which number did Xiao Ming add less?
