Given Sina + cosa = 1 / 3, find the value of TA ③ Na + cot ③ a ③ It's cubic

Given Sina + cosa = 1 / 3, find the value of TA ③ Na + cot ③ a ③ It's cubic

Sina + cosa = 1 / 3 square Sin & sup2; a + cos & sup2; a + 2sinacosa = 1 / 9
Molecule = (Sin & sup2; a + cos & sup2; a) & sup3; - 3sin ^ 4acos & sup2; a-3sin & sup2; ACOS ^ 4A
Denominator = (sinacosa) & sup3;
So the original formula = (11 / 27) / (- 64 / 729) = - 297 / 64

It is known that (COT ^ 2A + 2) / 1 + Sina = 1, (1 + Sina) (2 + COSA) helps the great gods

∵ 2sina cosa = 1, the square of sina, the square of cosa = 1. According to these two equations, solve the equation system cosa = 2sina-1 and substitute it into the second equation to obtain the square expansion of the square of sina (2sina-1). Then merge Sina (5sina-4) ∵ Sina = 0 or Sina = 4 / 5 into the first equation to obtain cosa = - 1

If sinacosa = 1 / 2, a (0, Wu), then Sina + cosa=

Sinacosa = 1 / 2 and a genus (0, 5)
Then Sina > 0 cosa > 0 Sina + cosa > 0

What is 3 -- cos 20 degree / 2 -- cos square 10 degree

So 3-cos20 = 4-2 (cos10) ^ 2 = 2 [2 - (cos10) ^ 2]
So the original formula = 2

Is sin squared 100 degrees equal to Cos squared 10 degrees
Give full marks and say rough

So Sin & sup2; 100 = cos & sup2; 10

What degree of Tana is equal to 1 / 2

Hello, Tan 30 is 1 / 2!

Tana = 2, how many degrees is angle a equal to

This is not a special angle, angle a can only look up the table

Tana = 1 / 2, how much is angle a? Accurate to 1 degree
OK, I see. It's 27 degrees. Let's fill in an answer


Tana is equal to 4 / 3. How many degrees is angle a


Tana is equal to 0.533, and how many degrees is angle a equal to

If it wasn't for the special angle Just write a = acttan0.533