Tana is equal to 0.116, what degree is a equal to? Specific degree

Tana is equal to 0.116, what degree is a equal to? Specific degree

A=arc tan0.116
(by looking up a table or using a calculator)
A=6° 37‘

Tana = 0.001 how many degrees does a equal?
Please speed up!

This is calculated by arcsine
Because 0.001 is not a special angle, we first find the acute angle when Tan equals 0.001
That is, a = arctan0.001 is about 0.00099999667
Because 0.001 is a positive number and sine is a positive number in the 1 3 quadrant
Therefore, it can be obtained by grasping the acute angle method
When a is in 1 image limit, a = arctan0.001
When a is in three quadrants, a = π + arctan0.001

Sina (180 & # 186; + a) = 1 / 2 a ∈ (- 180 & # 186 / 2,0), then what is Tana equal to

From Sina (180 & # 186; + a) = 1 / 2, we get 180 & # 186; + a = 30 & # 186; + 2K π or 150 & # 186; + 2K π,
If a ∈ (- 180 & # 186 / 2,0), then a = - 30 & # 186;, then Tana = root 3 of minus 3

Given Tana = 2, find (2sina's square + sinacosa's square + cosa's Square) / (4sina's Square - 3cosa's Square)
As above

The original formula = (2Sin & # 178; a + sinacosa + cos & # 178; a) / (4sin & # 178; a-3cos & # 178; a) (the children and the mother are divided by cos & # 178; a.)

When Tana = - 2, find 2sina square - sinacosa + cosa square

This is a typical Tana type trigonometric function problem
Sin & # 178; a + cos & # 178; a = 1 is the denominator of 2sina square - sinacosa + cosa square,
Then the numerator and denominator are divided by cos & # a
The algebraic expression of Tana
Answer - 11
Hope to help, do not understand can ask, help please adopt

The known Cosa · Tana

First quadrant cosa + Tana+
Second quadrant cosa Tana-
Third quadrant cosa Tana+
The fourth quadrant cosa + Tana - so choose C

Given the angle a ∈ (- Wu / 2,0), cosa = 2 / 3, then Tana=

∵angle a ∈ (- Wu / 2,0)
∴sin a=-√(1-cos² a)=-√5/3
∴tan a=sin a/cos a=(-√5/3)/(2/3)=-√5/2

It is known that a belongs to (π, 3 / 2 π) Tana = 2, cosa =?

A belongs to (π, 3 / 2 π),
So Sina and cosa are both less than 0,
So cosa = - 1 / √ 5

Finding cosa with known Tana = - 2

Tana = - 2, i.e
The two equations are cosa = ± √ 5 / 5

We know Sina + cosa / Sina cosa = 2 and prove that Tana = 3

You have a wrong number