How to determine the axis of the focus of the ellipse How to determine the axis of focus of ellipse, hyperbola and parabola?

How to determine the axis of the focus of the ellipse How to determine the axis of focus of ellipse, hyperbola and parabola?

Ellipse: X & sup2 / / A & sup2; + Y & sup2 / / B & sup2; = 1 (a, b > 0) compare a and B, which is bigger on which axis;
Example: X & sup2 / 3 + Y & sup2 / 2 = 1 on the x-axis, X & sup2 / 3 + Y & sup2 / 12 = 1 on the y-axis
Hyperbola: X & sup2; / A & sup2; - Y & sup2; / B & sup2; = 1 or Y & sup2; / B & sup2; - X & sup2; / A & sup2; = 1, whose front coefficient is negative, on whose axis
For example: X & sup2 / 5-y & sup2 / 4 = - 1, which becomes the standard formula, - X & sup2 / 5 + Y & sup2 / 4 = 1, on the x-axis
Parabola: Y & sup2; = 2px, or X & sup2; = 2PY, who is once, whose axis is the focus,
For example: Y & sup2; = 2px on the x-axis,

The earth's orbit is an ellipse. One focus is the sun. What's the other focus?
Is the earth's orbit influenced by other planets to form an ellipse? Is the orbit of the moon, the only natural satellite of the earth, also an ellipse? Why?

Newton thought it was caused by gravitation. Einstein thought it was an object with enough mass to distort its surrounding space, but to move around its star. This is a superposition effect, just like the orbits of many places with gravitational balance between planets are interlinked

There is an elliptical comet orbit map, which is 4 in length, 2 in height and 3 in root sign. It is known that point O is the center of the ellipse, A1A2 is the two ends of the long axis, and the sun is at the left focus F of the ellipse. (1) establish an appropriate coordinate system, write out the elliptic equation, and find the distance between the two when the comet moves directly above the sun. (2) the line L is perpendicular to the extension line of A1A2 and at point D, | OD | = 4, A2p intersects the ellipse at two points m and n (different from A1 and A2). Can point A2 be on a circle with diameter Mn? Explain the reason

(1) Establish the coordinate system as shown in the figure, let the elliptic equation be + = 1 (a > b > 0), according to the meaning, 2A = 4, 2b = 2, ∧ a = 2, B =. ∧ C = 1. The elliptic equation is = 1, f (- 1,0), substituting x = - 1 into the elliptic equation to get y = ±, ∧ when the comet is directly above the sun, the distance between them in the figure is 1.5 cm. (2) from (1), a 1 (-)

The two focus coordinates of the ellipse are F1 (- radical 3,0) (radical 3,0), and the ellipse passes (1, - radical 3 / 2)
The two focus coordinates of the ellipse are F1 (- radical 3,0) (radical 3,0), and the ellipse passes (1, - radical 3 / 2)
(1) Solving elliptic equation
(2) Cross the point (- 6 / 5,0) and make a straight line L not perpendicular to the y-axis. The ellipse is at two points m and n. A is the left vertex of the ellipse. Try to judge whether the size of ∠ man is a fixed value and explain the reason
In fact, I just need to help me to answer the second question. I see the answer: let x = KY-6 / 5 be the equation of simultaneous ellipse and straight line. Weida's theorem is y1y2, Y1 + Y2, and the final point multiplies the vector am an = (x1 + 2, Y1) (X2 + 2, Y2) = (k ^ 2 + 1) y1y2 + 4 / 5 (Y1 + Y2) + 16 / 25 = 0

AM AN =(x1+2,y1)(x2+2,y2)
M. If n is on the straight line x = KY-6 / 5, then:
The results are: x1x2 = K & # 178; y1y2 - (6 / 5) K (Y1 + Y2) + 36 / 25
So, am an = x1x2 + 2 (x1 + x2) + y1y2 + 4
PS: you missed a k after 4 / 5

It is known that the two focal points of the ellipse are F1 (- √ 3,0), F2 (√ 3,0), and the eccentricity e = √ 3 / 2
If l and the ellipse intersect at P and Q, and | PQ | is equal to the length of the minor axis of the ellipse, find the value of M

C = √ 3, a = 2, B = 1, elliptic equation: X & # 178; + 4 + Y & # 178; = 1, combined with linear equation: y = x + m, eliminate y to get: 5x & # 178; + 8mx + 4m & # 178; - 4 = 0
X1 + x2 = - 8m / 5 X1 * x2 = (4m & # 178; - 4) / 5 m = + - 30 / 4 is obtained by solving the chord length formula with √ 2 * (x1-x2) = 2

If there is a point A / sinpf1f2 = C / sinpf2f1 on the ellipse, the range of eccentricity of the ellipse is?

According to the sine theorem, sinpf2f1 / sinpf1f2 = | PF2 | / | Pf1|
So, e = C / a = | PF2 | / | Pf1|
So, (E + 1) | Pf1 | = 2A
And: | Pf1 | - | PF2 | ≤| F1F2 | = 2C
So. 2A (1-e) / (E + 1) ≤ 2C
Therefore, e ≥ √ 2-1
The range of ellipse eccentricity is: [√ 2-1,1)

The two focuses of ellipse y ^ 2 / A ^ 2 + x ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1 (a > b > 0) are F1 (0, - C)), F2 (0, c) (c > 0), and the eccentricity e = √ 3 / 2,
The elliptic equation is: Y & # 178 / 4 + X & # 178; = 1
Let PQ be the intersection of the ellipse and the straight line y = x + 1, and find the value of Tan ∠ poq

Substituting x = Y-1 into the ellipse, we get: Y & # 178; / 4 + (Y-1) &# 178; = 1
Then: X1 = - 1, X2 = 3 / 5
So, P (- 1,0), q (3 / 5,8 / 5)
Drawing: Tan ∠ poq = - Tan ∠ qox = - K (OQ) = - 8 / 3

If the focal length, minor axis length and major axis length of an ellipse form an arithmetic sequence, then the eccentricity is______ .

According to the meaning of the question, the focal length, the length of the minor axis and the length of the major axis of the ellipse form a sequence of arithmetic numbers, and the answer is: 35

If the length of the major axis, the length of the minor axis and the focal distance of an ellipse form an arithmetic sequence, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is zero______ .

According to the meaning of the question, 2a, 2b and 2c are equal difference sequence  2B = a + C  4B2 = A2 + 2Ac + C2  B2 = a2-c2  ②, 5c2 + 2ac-3a2 = 0  e = Ca  5e2 + 2e-3 = 0  0  e  1  e = 35, so the answer is: 35

The eccentricity of an ellipse is ()
A. 45B. 35C. 25D. 15

Let the major axis be 2a, the minor axis be 2B, and the focal length be 2c, then 2A + 2C = 2 × 2B, that is, a + C = 2B {(a + C) 2 = 4B2 = 4 (a2-c2), so 3a2-5c2 = 2Ac, divide A2, and get 5e2 + 2e-3 = 0, ∧ e = 35 or E = - 1 (rounding off), so select B