How much is 2 / 3 meter longer than 1 / 5 meter?

How much is 2 / 3 meter longer than 1 / 5 meter?


What is 2 / 9 of a meter?

Two ninths of a meter is one meter
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Six years old mathematics problem (to test Oh) 7 of 5 of a few points is 14 of 5
1. The car runs from a to B, 15% of the whole journey per hour. After 4 hours, the distance between the two places is? Km
1 in 2.4 is 3 in 8
3. One half of the number a is three fourths, the number B is three fourths of the number two, and how many parts of the number a is the number B?
4. There are 12 tons of coal, one fourth of which is transported in the first time, and one-half of which is transported in the second time. How many tons are left?
5. For a pile of coal, 1 / 5 of the total amount will be used for the first time, the remaining half will be used for the second time, and 3 / 8 of the tons will be used for the second time. How many tons of coal is the original pile of coal
6. There is a batch of goods in the warehouse. After 60% of the goods are transported out, 20 tons are transported in. At this time, the goods in the warehouse are just one fifth more than the original. How many tons of the original goods in the warehouse?
7. There are 25 kg of water in bucket A and 65 kg of water in bucket B. how many kg of water from bucket B to bucket a? The ratio of bucket B to bucket A is 4:1
5 out of 8.7 is 5 out of 14

1. The car goes from a to B, 15% of the whole journey per hour. After 4 hours, the distance between the two places is 450 km
45 / (15% * 4-50%) = 450 km
1 / 2.4 is 3 / 8 of (2 / 3)
3. One half of the number a is three fourths, the number B is three fourths of one half, and the number a is four fourths of the number B
Number a = (3 / 4) * 2 = 3 / 2, number b = (1 / 2) * 3 / 4 = 3 / 8, (3 / 2) / (3 / 8) = 4
4. There are 12 tons of coal, one fourth of which are transported in the first time, and one second, and then there are 8.5 tons left
12-12 * 1 / 4-1 / 2 = 8.5 tons
5. For a pile of coal, 1 / 5 of the total amount is used for the first time, the remaining half is used for the second time, and 3 / 8 tons is used for the second time. The original coal of this pile is 15 / 16 tons
(3 / 8) / {(1-1 / 5) / 2} = 15 / 16 tons
6. There is a batch of goods in the warehouse. After 60% of the goods are transported out, another 20 tons are transported in. At this time, the goods in the warehouse are just one fifth more than the original, and the original goods in the warehouse are 25 tons
Suppose the original goods are x tons
X = 25 tons
7. The water in bucket A is 25 kg, that in bucket B is 65 kg, and that in bucket B is 25 kg. The ratio of bucket B to bucket A is 4:5
65 - (25 + 65) * 4 / (4 + 5) = 25kg
1 out of 2 out of 5 out of 8.7 is 5 out of 14