The 3-meter-long line segment is divided into 7 segments. How many parts of the total length is each segment? How many meters is each segment? How many parts of 1 meter is each segment?

The 3-meter-long line segment is divided into 7 segments. How many parts of the total length is each segment? How many meters is each segment? How many parts of 1 meter is each segment?

The 3-meter-long line segment is divided into 7 segments, each segment is one seventh of the total length, each segment is three seventh of the length, and each segment is three seventh of 1 meter

Divide a 3-meter-long wood into 5 parts on average, how many parts of each part of the total length? How many meters of each section? If the wood is sawed into 6 sections, how many parts of the total number of times are three times? How many parts of the total number of times are four times?

Each of them accounts for 1 / 5 of the total length,
Two of them account for 2 / 5 of the total length,
0.6m per section
Saw three times, six sections each time, each section is 1 / 18 of the total length, saw four times, each section is 1 / 24 of the total length
The children's homework, which I am good at

A piece of wood is 6 meters long and cut into seven equal sections. Each section accounts for a few parts of the total length and each section is several parts of the length

A piece of wood is 6 meters long and cut into 7 equal sections. Each section accounts for 1 / 7 of the total length, and each section is 7 / 6 meters long
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!