Three triangles, two five pointed stars add up to 33, three triangles, three five pointed stars add up to 39, what are the numbers represented by triangles and five pointed stars

Three triangles, two five pointed stars add up to 33, three triangles, three five pointed stars add up to 39, what are the numbers represented by triangles and five pointed stars

A: triangles and five pointed stars represent 7 and 6 respectively
The solution is as follows
The second sentence has one more five pointed star and six than the first sentence, indicating that one five pointed star is six
Two five pointed stars are 12
Three triangles are 33-12 = 21
A triangle is 21 △ 3 = 7

Square plus square plus triangle plus triangle equals 56. Square plus triangle plus triangle equals 46. How many squares and triangles are there

The square is 10 and the triangle is 18

A five pointed star plus a box equals 24, two five pointed stars plus three boxes equals 56. Find out how many five pointed stars and boxes are

The star is 16 and the box is 8

Triangle divided by square equals circle, remainder is 5, divisor square minimum is 6, right? If not, how much should it equal?

Yes, the divisor should be greater than the remainder

Divisor divided by divisor is equal to 7, remainder is 3, what is the smallest divisor?


In the first 30 figures, there are () circles, () squares and () triangles

There are (15) circles, (8) squares and (7) triangles

Triangle, circle and square represent three numbers, and
Triangle, circle and square represent three numbers, and
Triangle + triangle = square + square + square
Square + square + square = circle + circle + circle + circle
Triangle + square + circle + circle = 400
What are triangle, circle and square?

Triangle = 150
Circle = 75
Square = 100
Hehe, I'm glad to help you with this problem, which brings back my previous memories

The following triangle, circle and square each represent a number
Circle + circle = triangle + triangle + triangle
Circle + circle + circle + circle = square + square + square
Square + triangle + circle + circle = 180
Find circle =? Square =? Triangle =?

Circle + circle = triangle + triangle + triangle 45 + 45 = 30 + 30 + 30
Circle + circle + circle = square + square + square 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 = 60 + 60 + 60
Square + triangle + circle + circle = 180 60 + 30 + 45 + 45 = 180
Circle = 45, positive = 60, triangle = 30

Square, circle, circle, triangle ··················································································

30÷4=7.2 66÷4=16.2
Square, circle, circle, triangle ······················································································

Given that circle △ triangle = square, square × triangle + circle = 320, then circle = ()

Circle △ triangle = square. (1)
Square × triangle + circle = 320. (2)
Set (1) square = circle △ triangle
Substituting (2) to get:
Circle △ triangle × triangle + circle = 320
Circle + circle = 320
Circle = 160