Circle plus triangle is equal to 28, circle plus five pointed star is equal to 30, triangle plus five pointed star is equal to 32, Q: how many five pointed star is equal to? How many circle is equal to? How many triangle is equal to?

Circle plus triangle is equal to 28, circle plus five pointed star is equal to 30, triangle plus five pointed star is equal to 32, Q: how many five pointed star is equal to? How many circle is equal to? How many triangle is equal to?

A triangle divided by five pointed star equals 2.6, a triangle minus five pointed star equals 13
It's divided by

Triangle = 2 * Pentagram + 6
2 * Pentagram + 6-pentagram = 13
Pentagram = 13-6
Pentagram = 7
Triangle = 20

A five pointed star plus a triangle equals 80, a circle minus a triangle equals 40, and a five pointed star circle equals 20

Five pointed star equals 70, circle equals 50, triangle equals 10

May I ask: five pointed star minus triangle equals 4, triangle plus five pointed star equals 10, what is triangle equal to? What is five pointed star equal to?

Triangle + triangle = square, triangle triangle = pentagram, triangle divided by triangle = circle, square + Pentagram + circle = 11.4
Then triangle = ()

Triangle = 5.2
Square = 10.4
Pentagram = 0
Circle = 1

Triangle + Pentagram + circle = triangle Pentagram circle
What's Delta? What's Delta? What's Delta? What's Delta?
The second grade of primary school

There are only so many conditions,
The value is arbitrary
For example, we can make △ = 10, [= 5, Θ = - 5

Triangle triangle = five pointed star five pointed star, five pointed star five pointed star = circle triangle five pointed star = () circles

3 triangles = 1 Pentagram = 3 / 2 circle = 9 / 4, so 2-3 / 2 = 3 / 4 = 3 circles

Triangle equals 198, Pentagon minus triangle equals circle, Pentagon plus triangle plus circle equals 600?


Circle + circle + Pentagram = 52, Pentagram + Pentagram + circle = 86, circle + triangle + Pentagram = 53
Circle = (), Pentagram = (), triangle = ()

If it is in duplicate and in two forms, it will be
Three circles + three five pointed stars = 52 + 86 = 138
So circle + Pentagram = 138 △ 3 = 46 **
In the form of
① Circle = 52-46 = 6
Formula 2 - * *, get
② Pentagram = 86-46 = 40
After substituting the three forms, we get
③ Triangle = 53-6-40 = 7

Rectangle, square, circle, triangle, diamond and five pointed star?

Five pointed star