What does TaNx multiply by equal to 1? Is it cosine or cotangent? (TaNx) * (?) = 1 and ∫ tanxdx =?

What does TaNx multiply by equal to 1? Is it cosine or cotangent? (TaNx) * (?) = 1 and ∫ tanxdx =?

1、 TaNx = SiNx/ cosx.cosx/sinx=cotx So, TaNx × Cotx = 1 2, ∫ tanxdx = ∫ (SiNx / cosx) DX = ∫ - 1 / cosx D (cosx) = - ln | cosx | + C (C is any constant)

What is 300 0.9 times? 300 1.1 times?

0.9 to the power of 300 = 0.0000000000001873927703884939886754019920358 1.1 to the power of 300 = 2617010996188.39990701703258972