7 tons 62 kg equals several tons 90 tons 60 kg equals several tons

7 tons 62 kg equals several tons 90 tons 60 kg equals several tons

7.62 90.6

How to convert 120 point system to 100 point system?
I need to convert 120 points system to 100 points system. How to convert?

Simple math problem 100 points for 120 points: actual score * six fifths (that is 120 / 100)
120 points for 100 points: actual score * 5 / 6 (i.e. 100 / 120)
60 out of 100 is equivalent to 120. 60 * 120 / 100 = 72. 80 is equal to 96

How much is the 90 score of the 120 point system, that is, how much is calculated according to the 100 score system? Then tell me the conversion of the 100 point system
For example: 91 - XX after the conversion to integer ~ to get rid of

75 points, (90 / 120) * 100 = 75,91-75.83

How many minutes is 900 seconds? How many degrees?

900 seconds = 15 minutes = 0.25 degrees

How many minutes is nine million seconds? How many hours? How many days?

9 million seconds = 150000 minutes = 25000 hours = 625 / 6 days

How much RMB is 3360 yen
How much is it

1 yuan = 12.7185 yen, which is about 264.2 yuan

85 seconds is a few minutes
It's the same format as a timer, a few minutes, a few seconds

85 seconds is 17 / 12 minutes
85 / 60 = 1:25
85 seconds is one minute 25 seconds

24 seconds = a few minutes

24 divided by 60 equals 0.4 minutes

The time of the earth's revolution is several times that of autobiography

365.25 times

Why does the earth's autobiography have two cycles
What's the difference between the two cycles

One is the sun day and the other is the star day
1. Sun day:
If we take the sun as the reference point, the length of a day is 24 hours, which is called solar day
2. Star day:
The time of the earth's rotation is one day. If the same star far away from the earth is taken as the reference point, the length of one day is 23:56:4 seconds, which is called stellar day. This is the real period of the earth's rotation