How many weeks, how many days, how many hours, how many minutes, how many seconds are there in a year

How many weeks, how many days, how many hours, how many minutes, how many seconds are there in a year

a year
=52 weeks
=365 days (leap year = 366 days)
=8760 hours (leap year = 8784 days)
=525600 minutes (leap year = 527040 minutes)
=3153600 seconds (leap year = 31622400 seconds)

How many days, hours, minutes and seconds are there in a year

Normal year: hours 365 * 24 = 8760 hours 365 * 24 * 60 = 525600 minutes 365 * 24 * 60 = 3153600 seconds leap year: hours 366 * 24 = 8784 hours 366 * 24 * 60 = 527040 minutes 366 * 24 * 60 = 31622400 seconds

The National Bureau of Statistics announced yesterday (April 29, 2011) the average growth rate of population in the past ten years (2001-2010). How to calculate accurately and how to open a ten year plan
Square, what is the principle of opening the tenth power?

Because the annual population data are completely comparable, it is enough to divide the data of the last year (2010) by the base year (2000), and then to the 10th power. The calculation result is equivalent to using the product of the annual population growth rate from 2001 to 2010 to the 10th power
In principle, please refer to the concept of average: the average development speed reflects the average degree of the development speed of the phenomenon phase by phase, and is the geometric average of the chain development speed of each period, indicating the average degree of the speed change of the social and economic phenomenon in a long period

How many days is it from January 2, 2012 to January 2, 2021? Is it 10 years from 2012 to 2021?

3388 days is not a decade

From October 3, 2011 to October 3, 2014, the number of days, minutes and seconds

1095 days
26280 hours
1576800 points
94608000 seconds

If the propagation speed of microwave in the air is equal to the speed of light, then the distance between aircraft and radar is () M
If it takes 52 microseconds (1 microseconds = 10-6 power seconds) for the radar to transmit the microwave to the aircraft, the propagation speed of the microwave in the air, etc

300m, light speed = 300000000m / s, the answer is 7800m from the radar to the aircraft

What is the speed of light in air

In vacuum, the speed of light is 3 times 10 to the eighth meter per second,
It's a little slower in the air, about 2.996 times 10 of 8 m / s
However, for the convenience of calculation, take 3 times 10 of the eighth meter / second

What is the square of the speed of light?
What's the number? If it's an infinite loop number, write the approximate number,

The propagation velocity of light wave in vacuum is 3 * 10 ^ 8 m / s
So the square of the speed of light is 9 * 10 ^ 16 (m ^ 2) / (s ^ 2)

Speed of light and distance
I haven't seen general relativity, but I know that according to general relativity, as long as we reach the speed of light, time will be stationary. If we really invent a spaceship that can reach the speed of light one day and go to a planet 1000 light years away from us, which speed is really synchronized with time in a stationary state, does it really take 1000 years to get there? How to explain the stationary time, Or if we really get to that planet, we are still in the state of just starting from the earth, only 1000 years have passed. If so, it is not that the spaceship maker has passed 1000 years in the blink of an eye. The expert explained in order, the more I think about it, the more confused I am
If we don't want to, human beings will not progress. Some people had thought about this idea 2000 years ago, but they just wanted to know how to reach a thousand mile ear and a thousand mile eye, but they didn't know that it would really happen after 2000.

You're right. If (just if! Because the speed of light is impossible according to relativity) a spaceship flies to a planet 1000 light years away from us at the speed of light, then the astronaut in the spaceship thinks it's time in a blink of an eye, because his time stops. But on our earth, it takes him 1000 years to arrive Come back. In the same instant, he will return to the earth. But he will find that 2000 years have passed on the earth. This is the famous so-called "twin paradox". Of course, the twin brothers on the earth can't live for 2000 years. Generally speaking, they fly back ten or twenty light years. But the truth is the same

How far is it from earth to Mars? How long does it take? (at the speed of light)

Mars is 228 million kilometers away from the sun
The earth is 150 million kilometers away from the sun
So the distance between the earth and Mars is between 78 and 378 million kilometers
If they're closest, 78 million kilometers, it takes 260 seconds, about 4.3 minutes
If they're the farthest, 378 million kilometers, it takes 1260 seconds, about 21 minutes