What's the English word for 6:30?

What's the English word for 6:30?

Let's make it at 6:00

How to read English words at 6:10

six ten,ten past six,

5:45, 4:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:27, 11:49

Five fortune five four o'clock five fifth seven thirty eleven fortune nine~~~~
Please accept if you are satisfied

6: 50, 9:40, 7:30, 12:25
Sentence pattern conversion
She runs [at five in the morning]

six fifty
ten to seven
nine forty
twenty to ten
seven thirty
half past seven
twelve twenty-five
twenty-five past twelve
When does she run?

How to say 8:15 and 9:45 in English?
Warning: do not answer without 100% accuracy! If the answer is perfect, reward points can be added!

Eight fifteen; a quarter past eight;
Nine forty five; a quarter to ten

Speed solution~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
every painful moment of our lives will be vanished ,we should lock our bad memories in a back drawer of memory
What do you mean? Be specific! Thank you!

Every payment moment of our lives will be wasted, we should lock our bad memories in a back drawer of memory
Every painful moment in our lives will disappear, and the memories we should lock in the drawer will return to our bad memories

21:46 English translation

nine forty-six

It's 21:05

It's five past twenty-one now

English translation
The film star didn't show up until the end of the performance
The film star______________________________
The lights should be on both sides of the stage
The magazine will be returned to the library in a week
The magazine___________________
Why can't trees be cut down?
Speakers can be placed in four corners of the school auditorium
__________________________________ the school hall
Has the sick boy been taken to the hospital?
__________________________________ to hospital
Will this secret be known by more people?
Will the secret____________________
We will hold a class meeting next Tuesday,
Our class meeting_________________________________ ,isn't it?
Have my clothes been put on the chair?
__________________________ on the chairs
Have all the doors and windows been locked?
Have all the_______________
Students in poor areas will each get some books and stationery
Each students in poor areas_______________
When will this medicine be taken?
When will______________________

1. The film star didn't turn up until the show was almost over.
2. Lights should be put on either side of the stage.
3.The magazine will be returned to the library in a week.
4.Why can't trees be cut down?
5.The loudspeakers can be put at the four corners of the school hall.
6.Has the sick boy been sent to hospital?
7.Will the secret be known to more people?
8.Our classmeeting will be held next Tuesday,isn't it?
9.Have my clothes been put on the chair?
10.Have all the windows been locked?
11.Each student in poor areas will be given some books and stationery.
12.When will this medicine be taken?

Two forty and three twenty
No matter in the afternoon or in the morning

Twenty to three/two twenty
Twenty passed three/three thirty