Is one second equal to a thousand milliseconds?

Is one second equal to a thousand milliseconds?

Yes, 1 second = 10 ^ - 3 milliseconds = 10 ^ - 6 microseconds = 10 ^ - 9 nanoseconds = 10 ^ - 12 picoseconds

How many milliseconds is 1 second

One millisecond is equal to one thousandth of a second (10-3 seconds). 0.000 000 001 millisecond = 1 picosecond. 0.000 001 millisecond = 1 nanosecond. 0.001 millisecond = 1 microsecond. 1000 millisecond = 1 second

How many seconds is a millisecond?
Come in if you know!

One millisecond (thousandth of a second) the minimum exposure time of a typical camera is one millisecond. A housefly flapped its wings every three milliseconds, while a bee flapped its wings every five milliseconds. As the moon's orbit around the earth widens, it takes two milliseconds a year to make a circle. In computer science, a 10 millisecond interval is called a jiffy

How many milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, picoseconds, femtoseconds and attoseconds is an hour?

1 second = 10 ^ 3 milliseconds = 10 ^ 6 microseconds = 10 ^ 9 nanoseconds = 10 ^ 12 picoseconds = 10 ^ 15 femtoseconds = 10 ^ 18 attoseconds
1 hour = 3600 seconds, you multiply the above conversion

What can be simple should be simple


Xiao Wang has a number of 2-cent and 5-cent coins, of which 2-cent is 26 cents less than 5-cent and 2-cent is 8 cents more than 5-cent?

Let Xiao Wang have X coins of 2 cents, then the face value is 2x cents, then the coin of 5 cents is X-8, then the face value is 5 (X-8). According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: 5 (X-8) - 2x = 26 & nbsp; & nbsp; 5x-40-2x = 26 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x = 66 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

The proof of "cos2a = cos & # 178; a-SiN & # 178; a" in "double angle formula",

Prove: as shown in the figure, in the unit circle, make vector OA = (COS α, sin α), vector ob = (COS β, sin β). Use [geometric definition] and [coordinate representation] of [vector OA · vector ob]. ① [geometric definition] vector OA · vector OB = | vector OA | * | vector ob | * cos ∠ AOB = cos (α - β). ② [coordinate

To prove Sin & # 178; α + Sin & # 178; β - Sin & # 178; α * Sin & # 178; β + cos & # 178; α * cos & # 178; β = 1

This is the proof: we will be able to prove that: we will be able to identify the 178; α + sin; 178; α + sin; 178; α + sin; 178; β - sin; 178; β - sin; 178; α * sin; 178; α * sin; 178; α * sin; 178; β; β + cos; 178; β + cos; 178; α * cos; 178; α * cos; 178; α * cos; 178; α * cos; 178; α (α + sin; 178; α (α (1-sin; 178; β - sin; 178; β - \\\##\35;\\35;\\\35;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\35β + sin and β

Verification: Sin & # 178; a + Sin & # 178; β - Sin & # 178; a × Sin & # 178; β + cos & # 178; a × cos & # 178; β = 1
X is multiplied by


To prove the necessary form of Sin & # 178; α + cos & # 178; α = 1

Let P (x, y) be a point on the terminal edge of angle a, | op | = √ (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
sina=y/r cosa=x/r