How many kwh is one kilowatt hour

How many kwh is one kilowatt hour

It should be said: 1kW load used for 1 hour, known as 1kwh, commonly known as 1 kilowatt hour

What is kwh equal to

1kwh is once. Once is 1kwh

How long does 800W last

One hour and 15 minutes

1000 W = 1 kwh?

To be exact, it should be 1000 watts = 1 kwh

1000 W / h uses 1 kwh, so how many kwh does 9 w / h use?

Nine divided by 1000 equals 0.009 degrees

How many kilowatt hours does a 600W electric appliance use

1 degree = 1000W * 1H
So use 0.6 degrees

Time, unit, how can 3600 be equal to 1

3600 seconds is an hour

In the range of 0 ° to 360 ° find the same angle as the end edge of the following angles. 1) 2000 °
Tat is not the answer~
I'm very slow. It's 360 ° x K. K is generated by close numbers
What method should be used to make it faster?
What's the meaning of this sentence? Can you write down the process? Thank you

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Thank you and wish you progress in your study!

Problem solving method is more detailed

What are you asking?
So simple, 120 / 360 = 1 / 3 = 66.7%

The difference between 360 ° K + a = 120 ° and 360 ° K + 120 ° = a

Suppose k = 1
The trigonometric functions f (a) = f (120 °) of these two a have the same value
It's just that the direction of these two angles is clockwise
Then it rotates counter clockwise