It takes 23:56 minutes for the earth to rotate 360 times a week, which is called a stellar day What's wrong with this sentence

It takes 23:56 minutes for the earth to rotate 360 times a week, which is called a stellar day What's wrong with this sentence

The book says that it takes 23:56:4 seconds for the earth to rotate 360 degrees, which is called 1 star day

The earth is rotating all the time. What is the direction of rotation and the time of rotation?

Don't bother, do you?
From west to East
23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds

According to the "only one earth" to write the earth's own composition 400 words sixth grade

In the boundless universe, there is a bright pearl, that is me - the earth, a crystal like beautiful water blue planet. The vast ocean gives me a blue veil, and the lush trees are my "clothes"; the clear streams and rivers are my "blood vessels"; the towering and dangerous ones

How to prove that the earth is in Autobiography
If you want a text description, you must have more than 600 words!

Why does the earth revolve around its axis? Why does it revolve around the sun? This is a question that has been of great interest to scientists for many years. Roughly speaking, rotation is a basic form of motion of celestial bodies in the universe, but to really answer this question, Modern astronomical theory holds that the solar system is formed by the so-called primitive nebula, which is a very thin gas cloud. Affected by some disturbance 5 billion years ago, it contracted to the center under the action of gravity, The density and temperature of the central part of the material are getting higher and higher. Finally, it can cause thermonuclear reaction, and evolved into the sun. The residual gas around the sun gradually forms a rotating disk-shaped gas layer. Through the process of contraction, collision, capture and accumulation, solid particles, micro planets and protoplanets gradually gather in the gas layer, We know that to measure the speed of a straight-line moving object, we can use speed to express it. Then what can we use to measure the rotation of the object? One way is to use "angular momentum". For an object rotating around a fixed point, its angular momentum is equal to the mass times the speed, There is a very important law of conservation of angular momentum in physics. It means that if a rotating body is not affected by external torque, its angular momentum will not change due to the change of the shape of the body. For example, when a ballerina suddenly puts his arm away in the process of rotation (the distance between the center of mass and the fixed point becomes smaller), the angular momentum will not change, This law plays an important role in the production of the earth's rotation speed. The original nebula that formed the solar system originally had angular momentum. After the formation of the sun and planetary system, its angular momentum would not be lost, but it would inevitably be redistributed, In the long process of accumulating material, each star gets a certain amount of angular momentum from the original nebula. Due to the conservation of angular momentum, the planets will rotate faster and faster in the process of contraction. The earth is no exception. The angular momentum it gets is mainly distributed in the earth's revolution around the sun, the Earth Moon system's mutual rotation and the earth's rotation, which is the origin of the earth's rotation, In other words, in the process of the formation of the earth, motion, especially rotation, is accompanied by the formation of the earth from beginning to end, rather than the process of the earth's rotation or revolution under certain reasons

The earth's autobiographical composition (I want a unique one)

Hello everyone! I'm the earth you live on! By the way, now, other planets can't recognize me, but don't think it's me who has become beautiful, because my situation now is much different from that before! Now I'm ragged, disheveled and pitiful. Dear human beings

The Autobiography of the earth
The earth is autobiographical all the time. What is the direction of autobiography and the time of rotation?

From west to East, that is, from the north pole, it is counter clockwise, and from the south pole, it is clockwise
A week is a day and a night, 24 hours (accurate to 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds)

The direction of the earth's Autobiography

From west to East

The earth's self account
In a hurry

The earth's Autobiography
Date: October 7, 2007 source: class 603, Peiying primary school, Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province Author: Wu Ping
Since the beginning of Pangu, I feel very lonely, no family, only the moon beside me. My friends have their own orbit, and they are very far away from me. My stomach is empty, except for flowers, trees and speechless animals. When nvwo knows, she makes people and makes laughter. I feel very happy, but what human beings do makes me sad
Human beings cut down trees, destroy the environment, dust all over the sky. I was sick, and I went to see a doctor in three or two days. I got lung cancer, and my lung was blackened by the dust caused by human beings. I felt sad. I thought that human beings would treat me well, but I didn't expect that they would treat me like this. I repented. I knew this before. Why did I have to cough so hard, My life has been shortened a lot. I miss the days before, although there was no human, although very lonely, although there was no laughter, but the sky is blue, the river is clear, the air is very fresh, the environment is so beautiful, really beautiful. But now?
I can't help it any more. I can only watch it helplessly. The human being I was proud of was destroying my body and my heart. I'm aging rapidly, and I don't have the youthful appearance I used to have any more
Human beings, if I die one day and stop breathing one day, don't blame me, it's just your own consequence

The speed of the earth's rotation is very high
The earth's rotation speed is very large, the radius is very large, and the centrifugal force on people is also very large. How can the acceleration of gravity be 9.8

Because the earth is big

How much confusion is 1-0-1

0, 1-1-0 = 1-1 = 0