How many seconds is a millisecond

How many seconds is a millisecond

1000 ms = 1 second

A year = months, minutes, seconds, milliseconds

365 * 24 * 60 = 525600 points
525600 * 60 = 3153600 seconds
3153600 * 1000 = 3.1536 * 10 ^ 10 ms

How many milliseconds an hour

1 hour = 3.6 million milliseconds. 60 * 60 * 1000 = 3.6 million. The relationship between seconds and milliseconds is like meter and millimeter
1 meter = 10 decimeter = 100 cm = 1000 mm. One second is 1000 ms

Triangle ABC, Sina = 1 / 2, then a =?

30 degrees or 150 degrees. ~ o (∩)_ ∩)O

If Sina + 2cosa = 0, then sin2a = - 4 / 5


Does sin2a / Sina = 2cosa hold? Why

Sin2a / Sina = 2cosa holds when a ≠ 0

When x = 2, the value of the algebraic formula ax ^ 3-bx + 1 is equal to - 17, then when x = - 1, how much is the value of the algebraic formula a * x ^ 3-bx + 1 equal to?

When x = 2, the value of the algebraic expression ax ^ 3-bx + 1 is equal to - 17,
When x = 2, the value of the algebraic expression ax ^ 3-bx + 1 is 8a-2b + 1 = - 17, 8a-2b = - 18
When x = - 2, the value of the algebraic expression ax ^ 3-bx + 1 is equal to = - 8A + 2B + 1 = - (8a-2b) + 1 = 18 + 1 = 19

It is known that a 2-AB = 26, ab-b 2 = - 18. Find the values of a 2-B 2 and a 2-2ab + B 2


Given that a & # 178; + 2Ab = 2, AB + B & # 178; = 3, find the following algebraic formula: (1) a & # 178; + 2Ab + B & # 178; (2) a & # 178; - B & # 178;

A & # 178; + AB = 2, AB + B & # 178; = 3 remove the 2 in front of ab
,(1)a²+2ab+b² =a²+ab+ab+b²=(a²+ab)+(ab+b²)=2+3=5

The algebraic formula (a + b) ² - 10 has a maximum value of (), which is (). When the maximum (or minimum) value is removed, the relation of AB is ()
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The algebraic formula (a + b) ² - 10 has the minimum value (- 10). When this minimum value is taken, the relation of AB is (a + B = 0 or opposite to each other)