How many seconds is fifty minutes?

How many seconds is fifty minutes?

One minute equals 60 seconds, 50 * 60 = 3000 seconds

1:30 is equal to () hour
How much is it


What is 25 minutes

Approximately equal to 0.417 hours

Why is two and a quarter equal to two twenty-five?

Because two and a quarter equals nine out of four equals two and a quarter equals two and a half

How many hours is 25 minutes

25 / 60 = 5 / 12 hours

Is 3:25 equal to 3:25

3:25 = 3 + 25 / 60 = 3 and 5 / 12

2:20 is equal to () hour

Two and a third of an hour

How much is 2:20

If you don't care about 2 hours, 20 △ 60 = 20 / 60 is equal to one third, so 2:20 is equal to 2 and one third

When is 1:20? Why?

1:20 is equal to 1 and 1 / 3
20 points = 1 / 3

How many minutes is 90 seconds
90 seconds = () minutes
I'll have it today!

90 seconds = (1.5) minutes