Since the dawn of time

Since the dawn of time

Since the birth of the universe

English translation
1. Favor; 2. Fill with; 3. Belong to; 4. Set aside, push aside; 5. Take for example; 6. Tolerate doing sth

1Preference 2with...Fill out and put aside,belong to.Set aside as...For example,tolerant to do STH

English translation
Good luck
2. No longer

1.wish you good luck/ good luck to you
2 never

English translation
25.after all
27. On the phone
28.some day

After all
To turn (something or someone) into; convert
on the phone
Some day in the future

How realistic the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?
I hope you answer carefully ~! Don't use translation software, I think this sentence is very awkward

For all employees, what is the expectation of job satisfaction that is realistic?
The sentence "it would be" is omitted!
I think of the answer upstairs, but if it's an exclamation sentence guided by how, it won't end with "hello", right~

The whole sentence translation of table manners change over time

Table manners change all the time`

But what's the explanation? Why is it right? Let's give some more examples

emblem change over time:
It means: the symbolic meaning of things changes with time
That is: don't look at the changing things in the same way, keep up with the development of form
For example, 20 years ago, there were 10000 yuan in the family to symbolize "wealth", but now there is only one
Wanque symbolizes poverty

Implementation a target change over time?

Changes in implementation objectives over time. Or:
Changing goals over time

The reason why English has changed over time is ______ all languages change and develop
when cultures meet and communicate with each other.
The answer is that, please explain from the grammar point of view

That leads to a predicative clause

A period of short time = what word
