Please write down the comparative and superlative of irregular adjectives and adverbs in English

Please write down the comparative and superlative of irregular adjectives and adverbs in English

many/much more most
little less least
good better best
bad worse worst
far further furthest
I think of so many... Irregular few

The comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs are regular and irregular
Each type needs 5 example words

Composition method original level comparative level superlative
General monosyllabic word tall tall tall small low high
Add - er, - est great (great great) without tail
Nice nice best brave able fine late
The monosyllabic words and a few large large
Double able able able ending with - le
Syllabic words only add - R, - St
With a consonant big big big thin fat slim
Hotter hottest
Syllabic word, double written knot
The consonant letter at the end,
Add - er, - est
"With consonant + Y" easy easy easy happy funny early heavy
At the end of the disyllabic word, busy busier busiest
Change y to I and add
A few with - er, - ow cleverer cleverest
Narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow
Adding - er, - est without tail
Other disyllabic words and important
Polysyllabic word, before more important
More, most important
To form the comparative and easily
More easily
most easily
2) Irregular change
Original comparative superlative
Good / better best
Well (healthy)
Bad / worse
Ill (sick)
Old / elder elder / elder
Many / many more most
Little less least
Far away / far away / far away
The comparative and superlative of adjectives
There are three levels of adjectives: original, comparative and superlative
3. Original level: the original level is used when there is only one sentence in the sentence, and its marker words are very, so, too, quite, etc
e. His handwriting is very good
How big is the sun, moon and earth?
The formation of comparative and superlative adjectives
1. Generally, Er is added after the original level to form the comparative level, and EST is added to form the highest level
e.g.small smaller smallest
young younger youngest
2. Adjectives ending with the silent letter E, adding R or st to form comparative and superlative
e.g.nice nicer nicest
late later latest
3. For adjectives ending with consonant + y, change y into I, add Er or EST to form comparative and superlative
e.g.busy busier busiest
heavy heavier heaviest
4. In stressed closed syllables, for adjectives with only one consonant at the end, double the consonant first, and then add Er or EST to form comparative and superlative hotter hottest
big bigger biggest
5. The comparative and superlative of some adjectives are irregular and need to be memorized individually
e.g.good (well) better best
bad (badly,ill) worse worst
many(much) more most
little less least
far father farthest
Or further further
The comparative and superlative of adverbs
1. For adverbs ending with ly, except that early becomes earlier and earlier, more and most are added before them, such as carefuly – more carefuly – most carefuly
2. Rule change directly adds Er and EST, such as fast – fast fast
3. Individual words are irregular and need special memory
For example: well – better – best
far – farther – fastest
badly – worse – worst
4. In a sentence, the before the superlative adverb can be omitted or not, but the before the adjective can never be removed
e.g.Who runs (the) fastest,Tom,Jim or Mike?

I'd like to summarize and sort out the composition of comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs, and help me list some of them with unlimited number of words

In general, the comparative degree of adjective adverbs is formed by adding er at the end, but some polysyllabic words, such as beautiful, use more + adjectives, some adverbs end with y, such as happy, change y into I and add Er, and some special comparative degrees, such as far, such as far, such as far, such as far, such as far, such as far, such as far, such as far, such as far, such as far

South China: North China:

They discovered a new oil field in North China.
They found a new oil field in North China
It is grown in both north and south China.
This kind of plant is planted in South and North China
South China:North China:
It should mean South China and North China

Made in Jinan City of China

Generally speaking, the way of writing in English is that the city comes first and the name of the country comes second
I hope I can help you

These flowers are mine

These flowers are mine.

I want to know what they call these flowers

I want to know what they call these flowers
I want to know what they name the flowers?

English translation
What a beautiful flower!
"How" or "what"?
The usage of exclamation is always unclear. I hope you can explain it patiently. Thank you very much!

What + Adjective + noun + (suffix)!
How + Adjective + sth is (are)!
So this is wwhat beautiful flowers they are!
How beautiful the flowers are!

English translation

I think = = this problem is easy to solve
You know
Hope to help you

How is Mike

Is Mike ok?
Or how is Mike?