How to use the comparative and superlative adjectives much and more?

How to use the comparative and superlative adjectives much and more?

When a polysyllabic adjective or adverb becomes comparative, add more before it
e.g.more interesting more exciting
Before the comparative degree of an adjective or adverb, it means the degree of comparison
e. G. much heavier much more interesting

On the problem of adding more to the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs
I know that polysyllabic adj or adv is more, or what?

The disyllabic words ending with the consonant letter "Y" are changed to "I", and then - er, - est easy (easy) easier easiest, busy (busy) busier busiest are added. A few disyllabic words ending with - er, - ow are added at the end of - er, - est cleverer cleverest narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow narrow

What's the usage of many more
There is a saying in the book: many more jobs are available in these services
Can many also modify more? Isn't much modifying more?

Man more and much more are both correct usages, meaning much more
The difference is that many more modifies countable nouns and many more modifies uncountable nouns

English translation
There must be the word "lie" in the sentence

He lay down on a sofa just now.
Lay is the past tense of lie, because it is just now

This is a mistake correction question. But I don't know why I want to remove to

When it comes to German, I know nothing. When she comes to, she could not, for a moment, recognize th

Cloze now_ this way,please.A.go B.come C.went D.coming

Answer: B
The original form of the verb in imperative sentence
Come this way
If you don't understand, please take it in time. Thank you!

Would you please come in? Permit me to lead the way, sir

Would you please + V. prototype
Allow sb to do sth
Lead the way

Would you please not mix this _____ that?
A to.B with.C plus.D together
Which and why?

Mix a with B

Would you like ---- water ,please A.any B.many C.some D.a

C would is a euphemistic question, so some doesn't need to change to any, and because water is an uncountable noun, many and a can't be used

Would you like? Coffee or tea? Coffee, please? A.some B
It's urgent

I don't understand what your problem is. It seems that I haven't finished it
What would you like,coffee or tea?
Some coffee,please.
Coffee and tea are uncountable nouns. You can't use many