Apart from nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions, what other words are there in English

Apart from nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions, what other words are there in English

N = noun, short for noun
U = uncountable noun, short for uncountable noun
C = countable noun, short for countable noun
V = verb, short for verb
VI = intransitive verb
Vt = transitive verb
Aux. V = auxiliary verb, abbreviation of auxiliary verb
Model Verb
Conj = conjunction, abbreviation of conjunction
Adj. = adjective, the abbreviation of objective
Adv. = adverb, abbreviation of adv
Art. = article
Prep = preposition
Pron = pronoun, short for pronoun
Num = numeral, abbreviation of numerical
Int. = exclamation,

Where are nouns, prepositions, pronouns, verbs, conjunctions, adjectives and adverbs in English?

C -- countable noun U -- uncountable noun CGP -- countable collective noun GP -- collective noun sing V -- plural noun with singular verb PL V -- singular noun with plural verb sing or PL V -- plural noun with singular or plural verb can be used PL -- plural noun with plural verb

How can you tell a noun, pronoun, verb, auxiliary verb, transitive / intransitive, adjective, adverb or preposition in English?
The more detailed the better, the best example, but also have Chinese translation Oh```

Nouns are equivalent to nouns in Chinese
For example, apples and bananas are nouns as long as they are names of things and people
Pronouns are equivalent to "he she it" in Chinese
The auxiliary verb is do / does,
The verb is jump, run, walk and so on
Adjectives are beautiful, lovely and so on
Adverbs are deeper meanings of adjectives
For example, beautiful, beautiful, lovely, there's a big one in the back
The preposition is in In front of Back
Do you understand? It's up to you to understand
I'm a junior high school student

English question: what do verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions mean?

Nouns can be divided into proper nouns and common nouns. Proper nouns are the proper names of some people, places, institutions, etc., such as Beijing, China, etc
1) Individual Nouns: refers to individuals in a certain kind of people or things, such as gun
2) Collective nouns: a collection of individuals, such as family
3) Material nouns: refers to objects that cannot be divided into individuals, such as air
4) Abstract nouns: express abstract concepts such as action, state, quality and emotion, such as work
Individual Nouns and collective nouns can be counted by number, which is called countable nouns. Material nouns and abstract nouns can't be counted by number, which is called uncountable nouns. Verb: verb is a word used to describe or express various actions. Basically, every complete sentence has a verb, To express the second action, we can use infinitives, gerunds, equivalent connectives, subordinate connectives or adding clauses. Adjective adj. Or A. is one of the main parts of speech in many languages. It is mainly used to modify nouns to express the characteristics of things. Adjectives are used to modify nouns or pronouns to express the nature and state of people or things, Adverb adv.: a word used to modify verbs, adjectives and sentences, Adverbs are semi empty and semi real words. Adverbs can be divided into place adverbs, manner adverbs, degree adverbs, interrogative adverbs and connective adverbs. Pronoun pron.: pronoun is a part of speech instead of noun. Most pronouns have the functions of noun and adjective, According to their meanings, features and functions in sentences, they can be divided into personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relational pronouns, connective pronouns and indefinite pronouns, It is called numeral. Its usage is equivalent to noun or adjective. Numeral can be divided into cardinal number and ordinal number. Conjunctions (connecting before and after a sentence), such as conjunctions mainly include but, however, yet, otherwise, on the contract, while
,and,then,first second,or,not only...but also...,both...and...,neither...nor...
Exclamations are used to express emotions such as happiness, anger, sadness and happiness when speaking. They do not form a grammatical component of the following sentence, but are related to it in meaning, The following sentences generally explain the nature and reason of this emotion. Interrogative sentences guided by interrogative words are called special interrogative sentences. You can't use yes or no when answering special interrogative sentences
Interrogative pronouns: what, who, which, who, who
Interrogative Adverbs: when, where, why, how
Interrogative adjective: what (which, which) + noun
Article is a kind of function word, which is used in front of a noun or a noun phrase to indicate whether the noun refers specifically or generally. Article can be divided into two forms: indefinite article and definite article. Indefinite article has a, an. Definite article has the. Among them, a is used before a noun that starts with a consonant, while an is used before a noun that starts with a vowel

English translation

: Tara is a beautiful girl, long blond hair. She has a twin sister named Tina. They are both long curly hair, but Tara hair is shorter than Tina. They both like sports, but Tara stronger than her sister. Tina more quiet and shy. Moreover, both of them like shopping.

A picture of my family

a picture of my family

Is his name Jim? Yes, it is

Is his name Jim?
Yes,it is.
It's wrong upstairs

English translation

Are you wrong about the location of game and name

The name of the book is our world in English!

The name of this book is our English world. There are similar sentences in PEP people's education press!

You can ask Jim for the book__ Jim __ this book.

Baidu thinks I don't have enough words