How to use adjectives and adverbs in English How to use it? Can you give me an example·

How to use adjectives and adverbs in English How to use it? Can you give me an example·

As in Chinese, modify verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives
Adjectives can also modify adverbs. Put them before adverbs
In sentences, adjectives can be used as attributive, predicative, subject complement, object complement, adverbial, independent component, etc
Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs and the whole sentence. They are used to express the concepts of time, place, degree and way. Adverbs can be placed at any position at the beginning, middle or end of the sentence. Some adverbs of degree, such as often, always, never, are often used in the sentence. Their positions are related to the helplessness of verbs, Most adverbs are placed after the predicate verb, if there is an object, then after the object; in interrogative sentences, adverbs can only be placed in the middle or at the end of the sentence; in imperative sentences, most adverbs are placed at the end of the sentence; sometimes adverbs indicating sequence are located at the beginning of the sentence

The concrete usage of prepositions such as at in on for of should be comprehensive

On, at, in these three common prepositions can express time and place, but the specific usage is different, most students are confused about them. Now as long as you remember the formula, you can avoid all kinds of misuse of at, on, in
1. On, in, at stands for time
On a specific day
At night, in the day, the idiom is in mind
Note: on means on a specific day and the morning, afternoon and evening of a specific day
On Mother's day, we should send flowers to our mother
On my arrival home, I found he had gone already
② When early, late is used to modify prepositional phrases at the beginning of a sentence, although it means the morning, afternoon and evening of a specific day, it should be used in, which generally refers to the morning, afternoon and evening
Early in the morning of national day, I got up to catch the first bus to the zoo
My father begins work at 8:00 in the morning and stops work at 4:00 in the afternoon
③ In the future tense means "after a period of time" and "in Period "and" in a season, a year, a month "are both used in
I hear he'll be back in a month
In the course of the last lesson in French, little Franz was listening to the master very attentively
Xiao Ming was born in December of 2004
④ When morning, after noon and evening are limited by the prepositional or postpositive attributes, we use on instead of in
On a hot (summer) noon
On Monday morning
On the morning of March 8th
⑤ At a certain time and before work and Christmas
We get up at eight o'clock
My father is busy at work all day
In western countries, children get presents from their parents at Christmas

What are the different usages of the preposition of at in on, etc. + place

3. At home 4. Who's standing there at the door? 5. At the top of the page 6. The shop is at the end of the road

The usage of prepositions to, for, of, in, on, at, with, by and about
Especially to, for, of, in, on, at, with

To can be followed by many phrases or verbs, which means "to..." or "to..." such as go to someplace and set down to doing sth.for For example, it's not g

In at on for of
Can you add the name of the country after the date tomorrow afternoon morning, etc
Why can't we add a country? My teacher said how to add some designated places
On (in addition to adding Friday, Monday, etc.)
For (wait for dinner or not)
Of (not very clear about the preposition)

Hello! In can be followed by the name of the country, for example, in China. Can add date, in 1997. Can add morning and afternoon. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. At can be followed by small places, for example, at school, at village, at school home.on In addition to being able to

Prepositional phrases expressing position
What time

Prepositional phrase preposition is a kind of word used to express the relationship between words and sentences. It can not be used as a sentence element alone in a sentence. After a preposition, there is a noun pronoun or other parts of speech equivalent to a noun, phrase or clause as its object. A preposition and its object form a prepositional phrase group, which can be used as adverbial, predicative, complement, attribute or prepositional object in a sentence. At, in, on, to
At (1) means in a small place; (2) means "in Nearby, next to "
In (1) means in a big place It's within the scope
On means adjacent
To means in Outside the scope, it does not emphasize whether it is contiguous or not
He arrived at the station at ten.
He is sitting at the desk.
He arrived in Shanghai yesterday.
Jiangsu lies in the east of China.
Russia live on the north of China.
Fujian is to the south of Jiangsu Province.
2) Above, over, on upper
Above refers to Above, not vertical, opposite to below;
Over refers to the vertical top, opposite to under, but over has a certain space with the object and does not contact directly
On means on and in contact with an object
The bird is flying above my head.
There is a bridge over the river.
He put his watch on the desk.
3) Below, under below
Under means under Right below
Be below Below, not necessarily directly below
There is a cat under the table.
Please write your name below the line.

In prepositional phrase
In the place where I come from the weather is usually good?
Can you help me analyze the whole sentence?

Where I come from is an attributive clause modifying in the place, which means that I come from that place. The whole in the place where I come from is an adverbial modifier modifying the weather, and the weather is the subject of the whole sentence, is a copulatory verb as the predicate, usually is an adverb modifying the following good, and good is an adjective as the object

Is in favor of a prepositional phrase?

In favor of is a prepositional phrase
For And to fight, to support Activities of

In, on, near, between, next to, behind, in front of,
In, on, near, between, next to, behind, in front of, in the front of, above, under


For, to, at, of, in, on, with in English

1、 Prepositions can be divided into three types according to their formation
1. Simple prepositions at, in, on, to, since, until, etc
  He's worked there since 1998.
2. Compound prepositions into, onto, out of, etc
She is out of school
3. Double prepositions from under, from behind, from out of, until after, except in, etc
I'm from out of town
4. Prepositions such as because of, instead of, in spit of, etc
  I went back not because of the rain,but because I was tired.
I went back not because of the rain, but because I was tired
2、 The functions of prepositions are as follows
After, along, at, below, by, of, near, over, through, under, etc
The boys are skating on the ice near the village
They lay down under the shade of a tree
2. Time: about, after, across, at, during, for, in, of, till, until, etc
After class he will tell us about the accident
A heavy rain has been falling across three days
The accident happened during the night
3. Action: at, across, around, on, over, under, etc
The earth goes around the sun
The car is under repair
As, like, above, over, with, etc
She was something like her sister
Chinese is much more difficult in contrast with English
5. Reasons: about, for, from, with, etc
Don't worry about my lessons
Business keep me from coming
He was angry with what I did
6. Conditions: to, with, without, etc
Without your advice, he would have failed
7. Means of expression: as, by, in, with, etc
He behaved as a drunkard
Learn the new words by heart
We see with our eyes
8. Distance and quantity: from, in, within, etc
My house is ten miles from the school
They were thirty in all
9. Purpose: as, for, etc
I only said it as a joke
It's time for class
For, with, etc
For all his efforts, he didn't succeed
With all his money, he is unhappy
For can also guide parentheses, such as:
I, for one, shall vote against the proposal