What are the usages of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and so on in English? In addition to usage, there are also their positions. For example, adverbs should be placed after or in front of words, and there are other words that are not written in the title,

What are the usages of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and so on in English? In addition to usage, there are also their positions. For example, adverbs should be placed after or in front of words, and there are other words that are not written in the title,

Subject: the subject of a thing, the originator of an action, the executor predicate: the act of expressing the subject, the action and the state of existence object: the subject of a thing, the receiver of an action, the executee, the verb object and

Can one of + adjectives be followed by uncountable places?

One of the long rivers

How to understand: one of the wonders of the natural world. One of
Can one of be followed by a plural noun without the superlative adjective

The wonders of the natural world
One of the wonders of the natural world

English group words, 1 Adjective + noun, such as good boy, 2 verb + noun, 3 preposition + noun, 4 verb + adverb
Each one needs five. It can be made up of five

Adjective + noun beautiful day
Verb + noun play piano
Preposition + noun by bus
Verb + adverb come here

The difference between behind and at the back of

There is a garden behind the house

What are the prepositions? What are the verbs after prepositions plus ing?

About, above, across, after, against, around, at, before, behind, below, behind, beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, O

The difference between at the back of, in the front of and at back of, in front of

Come on! I'll tell you the simplest and most understandable explanation!
Imagine a mirror
The sticker is at the back of the mirror
The sticker is in the front of the mirror
The marker is at back of the mirror
The sticker is in front of the mirror!

Do you want to use the verb ing after the preposition?
The preposition can be followed by nouns, pronouns and verbs, but the verb must be followed by ing,

For reference
This is a basic concept of preposition usage
(1) After the preposition is "object"
(2) The object is' noun 'or equivalent to' noun structure '
(3) The structure of equivalent nouns is counted as
(a) Pronouns
(b) Noun clause
(c) Gerund (i.e. ing structure, or ing +...)
(4) To is confusing
To do sometimes appears after to
The reason is that to is not a preposition here
It's infinitive
The explanation of the Chinese dictionary is "the infinitive of the verb is formed together with the original verb."
(5) A common example of to as a preposition is
Look forward to
For example: John looks forward to meeting his new teacher
This often appears in multiple choice questions
It's also useful for writing

The difference between at the back of and behind

At the back of
Behind is behind

Do you want to add ing to all the verbs after preposition
But is "ing" added after "to"? In addition to the fact that "to" is sometimes not followed by "ing", what other verb after preposition is sometimes not followed by "ing"?

To is just not adding ing to the verb after infinitive. Besides it, the verb after any preposition should be adding ing