What's the plural of photo,

What's the plural of photo,

Add s, photos directly
Well, there's a rule in the plural of nouns ending with O: if it's inanimate, add s directly, such as photos; if it's inanimate, add es, such as potatoes or tomatoes

What is the usage of the English Intermediate word by

1. Close to; next to: 2. The window by the door. 3. With the use or help of; through: 4. We come by the back road

Please tell me the original, comparative and superlative usage of adjectives!

In general, describe a thing with original level, 2 with comparative level, 3 and above with the highest level
In fixed collocation:
As... As
More... Than
The most

Please explain the usage of these two words
Shallow when the name of the kind of feeling
Super professional or skin deep
It's better for you to tell me the difference between the two words used for superficiality

Literally, superficiality is "on the surface" and skin deep is "only as deep as the skin", which means "superficial"
From the etymological point of view, superficial is a word made up of Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes, while skin deep is a phrase originated from the Anglo Saxon language
Generally speaking, words originated from Latin and Greek are more written, while words originated from Anglo Saxon are more colloquial. Skin deep is a phrase with strong colloquial color. It's better not to use it when writing academic articles, but it's OK to talk at ordinary times, and it's also slightly humorous

Tom is the tallest students in his class
1.___ ____ _____ in Tom's class is ____ than him.
2.___ ____ _____ in Tom's class is ____ ____ him.
The second one uses the highest level

1.No one else in Tom's class is taller_ than him.
2.There isn't anyone in Tom's class is taller than him.
The comparison between the two can't use the superlative

At the front of?

It's all in the front, inside,
If in front of the window of a house, look out. People are in
But personally,
At the front of and
in the front of
There are also differences
In emphasizes three-dimensional space
At emphasizes plane space

Tom is the tallest students in class students

Wrong, right?
Tom is the tallest student in class students
There's no s
Tom is one of the tallest students in the class

At the front of
At the front of

In front refers to the front of an object
In the front means the front part of an object
1. There are some tall trees in front of the classroom
2. There is a teachers' desk in / at the front of the classroom
3. At the front of In the front of
at… Emphasize a point in the front Front of range
There is a man boating at the front of the boat

Max is the tallest student in his class
Max is _____ than ____ _____ _____ _____ in his class.

Max is taller than any other student in his class.
Max is taller than any the other students in his class.

In front of in the front of at the front of
And how to ask the way in English

In front of The front of "refers to the front beyond a certain range
at/in the front of… "In The front of "refers to the front within a certain range
For example: Miss Gao is standing at the front of the classroom
Miss Gao is standing in front of the classroom
There is a tall tree in front of the house.
There is a big tree in front of the house
Put your hands in front of you now.
Now put your hands in front of you
Let's sit in the front of the bus.
We sat in the front of the bus
In addition, in front only means "in front", not in front of something, so it is not followed by other nouns
Which two classes are in front?
Which two classes are ahead?
I'll go in front; you come after.
I'll walk in the front and you'll follow in the back